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单词 sew
释义 sew /sdu; so/ vt, vi (pt sewed, pp sewn /saun; son/ or sewed) [VP6A, 15B, 2A, B, C] work with a needle and thread; fasten with stitches; make (a garment) by stitching: 缝纫; 缝合; 缝 (衣服): sew a button on; 钉扣子; sew a dress. 缝制成服。 The garment is, hand-'sewn/sewn by hand. 这件衣服是手缝的。 She has been sewing all evening. 她整个晚上都在缝纫。 sew sth up, a join (at the edges) with stitches: 缝拢; 缝接: The corpse was sewn up in a sack and thrown into the river. 尸体被装在布袋中缝好后拗入河里。 b (colloq) arrange; complete: (俗) 安排; 完成: All the details of the project are sewn up. 这计划的所有细节均有妥善安琲。 The deal is sewn up. 交易谈妥了 0 sewer /'sauafr); '8v/ n sewing n [0] work (clothes, etc) being sewn. 缝缨物 (衣服等) 。 'sewing-machine n machine for sewing. 缝缸机。




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