五官疾病wǔ ɡuān jí bìnɡENT & Eye & Dental and Oral Diseases拔牙后出血 [bá yá hòu chū xuè] post-extraction bleeding 拔牙后肿胀 [bá yá hòu zhǒnɡ zhànɡ] post-extraction swelling 白内障 [bái nèi zhànɡ] cataract 鼻充血 [bí chōnɡ xuè] nasal congestion 鼻骨骨折 [bí ɡǔ ɡǔ zhé] nasal bone fracture 鼻骨歪斜 [bí ɡǔ wāi xié] nasal deviation 鼻内外物 [bí nèi wài wù] foreign bodies in the nose 鼻内异物 [bí nèi yì wù] foreign bodies in the nose 鼻炎 [bí yán] nasal inflammation; rhinitis 鼻中隔偏斜 [bí zhōnɡ ɡé piān xié] nasal deviation 鼻窦炎 [bí dòu yán] sinus inflammation 闭合不良 [bì hé bù liánɡ] malocclusion 扁桃腺炎 [biǎn táo xiàn yán] tonsillitis 齿斑 [chǐ bān] dental plaque 齿槽脓漏 [chǐ cáo nónɡ lòu] alveolaris pyorrhea 齿感染 [chǐ ɡǎn rǎn] dental infection 齿根尖周围脓肿 [chǐ ɡēn jiān zhōu wéi nónɡ zhǒnɡ] periapical abscess 齿骨膜炎 [chǐ ɡǔ mó yán] periodontitis 齿菌斑 [chǐ jūn bān] dental plaque 齿面异常现象 [chǐ miàn yì chánɡ xiàn xiànɡ] dentofacial abnormality 齿旁脓漏 [chǐ pánɡ nónɡ lòu] paradental pyorrhea 齿髓炎 [chǐ suǐ yán] pulpitis 齿痛 [chǐ tònɡ] toothache; dentalgia 齿周膜炎 [chǐ zhōu mó yán] periodontitis 齿龈炎 [chǐ yín yán] gingivitis 唇霉菌病 [chún méi jūn bìnɡ] labiomycosis 唇疱疹 [chún pào zhěn] coldsore; herpes labialis 单耳听 [dān ěr tīnɡ] monaural hearing 癫痫症 [diān xián zhènɡ] epilepsy 额外牙 [é wài yá] extra/supernumerary tooth 呃逆 [è nì] hiccup; hiccough 耳聋 [ěr lónɡ] deafness 耳鸣 [ěr mínɡ] tinnitus (ringing in the ear) 耳痛 [ěr tònɡ] earache 耳血肿 [ěr xuè zhǒnɡ] cauliflower ear; calcified hematoma 耳炎 [ěr yán] otitis 耳硬化 [ěr yìnɡ huà] otosclerosis 复视 [fù shì] diplopia; double vision 复听 [fù tīnɡ] double disharmonic hearing; diplacusis 膈症 [ɡé zhènɡ] dysphagia; swallowing difficulty 巩膜炎 [ɡǒnɡ mó yán] sclerotitis (sclera inflammation) 过敏性鼻炎 [ɡuò mǐn xìnɡ bí yán] allergic rhinitis; allergic nasal edema 颔骨折断 [hàn ɡǔ zhé duàn] jaw fracture 黑内障 [hēi nèi zhànɡ] amaurosis; sight loss 红眼 [hónɡ yǎn] pinkeye 虹膜充血 [hónɡ mó chōnɡ xuè] iris hyperaemia; iris blood accumulation 虹膜炎 [hónɡ mó yán] iritis; iris inflammation 喉痛 [hóu tònɡ] sore throat 喉炎 [hóu yán] laryngitis 角膜溃疡 [jiǎo mó kuì yánɡ] corneal ulcer 角膜炎 [jiǎo mó yán] keratitis; inflammation of the cornea 结膜炎 [jié mó yán] conjunctivitis; conjunctiva inflammation 近视 [jìn shì] myopia; near-sightedness 惧光症 [jù ɡuānɡ zhènɡ] photophobia 口唇病变 [kǒu chún bìnɡ biàn] cheilosis (lip disorder) 口垢 [kǒu ɡòu] poor oral hygiene 口坏疽病 [kǒu huài jū bìnɡ] canker sores; noma; oral ulcer 口腔白斑病 [kǒu qiānɡ bái bān bìnɡ] oral leukoplakia (a dermatitis) 口腔病害 [kǒu qiānɡ bìnɡ hài] oral lesion; infections 口腔多形红斑 [kǒu qiānɡ duō xínɡ hónɡ bān] oral erythema multiforme (a stomatitis) 口腔囊肿 [kǒu qiānɡ nánɡ zhǒnɡ] oral cysts 口腔泡疹 [kǒu qiānɡ pāo zhěn] oral herpetic disorder 口腔卫生不良 [kǒu qiānɡ wèi shēnɡ bù liánɡ] poor oral hygiene 口腔赘瘤 [kǒu qiānɡ zhuì liú] oral neoplasm 口炎 [kǒu yán] stomatitis 溃疡性口炎 [kuì yánɡ xìnɡ kǒu yán] vincent’s infection; trench mouth 老花眼 [lǎo huā yǎn] old-age hyperopia; presbyopia 泪囊炎 [lèi nánɡ yán] dacryocystitis (infection of the lacrimal sac) 绿内障 [lǜ nèi zhànɡ] glaucoma 麦粒肿 [mài lì zhǒnɡ] sty (inflamed swelling on the edge of eye lid) 颞骨与下颔关节病症 [niè ɡǔ yǔ xià hàn ɡuān jié bìnɡ zhènɡ] temporomandibular joint disorder 青光眼 [qīnɡ ɡuānɡ yǎn] glaucoma 青盲 [qīnɡ mánɡ] amaurosis; sight loss 龋齿 [qǔ chǐ] dental caries (tooth cavities) 乳突炎 [rǔ tū yán] mastoiditis; mastoid infection 散光 [sǎn ɡuānɡ] astigmatism 砂眼 [shā yǎn] trachoma (a chronic contagious conjunctivitus) 舌垢浊 [shé ɡòu zhuó] coated or furry tongue 舌炎 [shé yán] glossitis (tongue inflammation) 声带麻痹 [shēnɡ dài má bì] vocal cord paralysis 声带息肉 [shēnɡ dài xī ròu] vocal cord polypus 失声症 [shī shēnɡ zhènɡ] aphonia; voice loss 视觉不良 [shì jué bù liánɡ] vision defect 视神经萎缩 [shì shén jīnɡ wěi suō] optic nerve atrophy 水肿眼 [shuǐ zhǒnɡ yǎn] hydrophthalmos 听力损伤 [tīnɡ lì sǔn shānɡ] acoustic trauma 突然耳聋 [tū rán ěr lónɡ] sudden deafness 突眼症 [tū yǎn zhènɡ] exophthalmos; protrusion of eyeball from socket 吞咽困难 [tūn yàn kùn nɑn] dysphagia; swallowing difficulty 外耳闭塞 [wài ěr bì sè] external ear obstruction 外耳损伤 [wài ěr sǔn shānɡ] external ear trauma 外耳炎 [wài ěr yán] swimmer’s ear; external otitis 外耳阻塞 [wài ěr zǔ sè] external ear obstruction 畏光症 [wèi ɡuānɡ zhènɡ] photophobia 文生氏口炎 [wén shēnɡ shì kǒu yán] Vincent’s infection; trench mouth 下颔骨脱位 [xià hàn ɡǔ tuō wèi] dislocated mandible 嗅觉丧失症 [xiù jué sànɡ shī zhènɡ] anosmia; loss of sense of smell 牙齿排列不齐 [yá chǐ pái liè bú qí] pooly aligned teeth 牙齿折断 [yá chǐ zhé duàn] fractured/avulsed teeth 牙周病 [yá zhōu bìnɡ] periodontal disease 哑声 [yǎ shēnɡ] hoarseness 咽喉炎 [yān hóu yán] pharyngitis 眼疲劳 [yǎn pí láo] eyestrain 眼皮浮肿 [yǎn pí fú zhǒnɡ] eyelid edema/swelling 眼皮炎 [yǎn pí yán] blepharitis; lid margin inflammation 眼痛 [yǎn tònɡ] sore eyes 咬合异常 [yǎo hé yì chánɡ] malocclusion 夜盲症 [yè mánɡ zhènɡ] night blindness; nyctalopia 遗听 [yí tīnɡ] after hearing 远视 [yuǎn shì] hyperopia; far-sightedness 震聋 [zhèn lónɡ] noise-induced hearing loss 中耳压力不平均 [zhōnɡ ěr yā lì bù pínɡ jūn] barotitis media; middle ear pressure unequalization 中耳炎 [zhōnɡ ěr yán] tympanitis; otitis media 蛀牙 [zhù yá] dental caries; tooth cavities 赘齿 [zhuì chǐ] extra tooth; supernumerary tooth 阻生牙 [zǔ shēnɡ yá] impacted tooth |