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单词 sense
释义 sense /sens; sens/ n 1 any one of the special powers of the body by which a person is conscious of things (ie sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch): 官能; 感觉; 知觉(如视觉,听觉,嗅觉,味觉及触觉): be in the enjoyment of all one's ~s; 享有一切知觉; 五官健全; have a keen ~ of hearing. 听觉锐敏。 '~-organ n part of the body, eg the ear or eye, concerned in producing sensation. 感觉器官; 感官(如耳朵或眼睛)。 .sixth '~, → six. 2 (pl) normal state of mind (as when a person has the five ~s of 1 above): (复)心智健全: in one's sanseless/sentient (right) ~s, sane; 心智健全的; out of one's ~s, insane; 心神不健全的; ■狂的; frighten sb out of his ~s, frighten him so that he behaves in an excited way. 把某人喷得惊慌失措。 bring sb to his ~s. cause him to give up behaving foolishly or wildly. 使醒悟; 使心智恢复健全。 come to one's ~ $, stop behaving Hke a fool or madman. 醒悟; 心智恢复健全。 take leave of one's ~s, become mad; start behaving irrationally. 发反; 失常。 3 (a/the) ~ of, appreciation or understanding of the value or worth (of): 辨识; 赏谢; 领悟: a of humour; 幽默感; my ~ of duty; 我的责任感; the moral ~; 是非感; a ~ of locality/direction, ie recognition of places, landmarks, directions, etc. 对于方位(方向)的辨识力。 4 (a/the) ~ of. consciousness (of): 意谶; 自觉: have no ~ of shame; 无羞耻心; a ~ of one's own importance/responsi- 力用乂对自己重要性(职责)的觉察。 5 [U] power of judging; judgement; practical wisdom: 判断力; 判断; 见畿: Haven't you ~ enough to come in out of the rain? 你怎么不进来避一避雨呢? There's a lot of ~ in what he says. 他说话颇有见畿。 There's no ~ in doing that, Ifs pointless. 做那件事情没有道理。 What's the ~ of doing that? 做那件事究竟有何道理? Now you're talking ~. 你的话顷有道理。 also common ~ at common(2 6 [C] meaning: 意义; 意味: a word with several ~s. 其看数义的一个字。 what ~ are you using the word? 你用这个字所指的是那一个意义? The ~ of the word is not clear. 该字的意义不明确。,” ~ ,if the statement, etc is taken in a particular way: 在某种意义上: What you say is true in a ~. 就某种意义而言,你说的是实话。 make ~ ,have a meaning that can be understood: 有意义: What you say doesn't make ~ /makes no ~ ,means nothing. 你的话毫无意义。 make ~ of sth, find a meaning in it: 懂;亍解典含意: Can you make ~ of this poem? 你植福这首诗的含意嘴? in the strict /I iters!/figurative/ full/best (= most f avourable) /proper, etc ~ ,interpreting (the statement, etc) strictly/lit-erally, etc. 就精确(字面,比喻,全般,最好,适当)的意义而言。 7 [U] general feeling or opinion among a number of people: 一般的意见; 舆 IL: take the ~ of a public meeting, ask questions in order to learn the general sentiment or opinion. 提出问题以求了解与会者的一般意见。 vt [VP6A, 9] feel; be vaguely aware of; realize: 觉得; 感知; 理会; 了解; 明白: He ~d that his proposals were unwelcome. 他览得他的建议不受欢迎。




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