释义 |
吹箫乞食chuī xiāo qǐ shíplay on a flute to beg for food; go begging ❍ 伍子胥橐载而出昭关,夜行昼伏,至于陵水,无以糊其口,膝行蒲伏,稽首肉袒,鼓腹吹篪,乞食于吴市。(《史记·范睢蔡泽列传》2407) Wu Zixu escaped in a sack through the Zhao Pass and travelled by night,hiding himself by day,till he reached the River Ling. Having nothing to eat,he crawled along with bare shoulders,kowtowing and drumming on his belly or playing on a flute to beg for food in the market. 吹箫乞食chuī xiāo qǐ shí义同“吹篪乞食”。same as“吹篪乞食”。 |