碎suìⅠ (破成零片; 使碎) break to pieces; smash: 粉身 ~ 骨 have one's body smashed to pieces; die the most cruel death; 玻璃杯打 ~ 了。 The glass is smashed to pieces. 他妻子死时他的心都 ~ 了。 His heart broke when his wife died. Ⅱ ❶ (零星; 不完整) broken; fragmentary: ~ 玻璃 bits of broken glass; ~ 布 oddments of cloth; small scraps of cloth; ~ 石子儿 scattered gravel ❷ (说话唠叨) garrulous; gabby: 嘴太 ~ talk too much; be a regular chatterbox ◆碎冰 trash ice; mush; 碎玻璃 cullet; 碎波 {海} broken water; surf; breaker; surge; 碎布 cloth waste; macerated fabric; 碎步儿 quick short steps; 碎块 fragment; shiver; 碎浪 breaker; 碎料 crushed aggregates; 碎裂 splintering; fragmentation; 碎毛 broken wool; pieces; 碎米 second head; 碎牛肉 hamburger; 碎片 fragment; patch; debris; chip; shard; shive; smithereens; segment; 碎尸万段 tear sb. to shreds [pieces]; be torn limb from limb; cut sb. into pieces and into ten thousand bits; cut sb. to pieces; cut [chop] sb. into ten thousand pieces; cut sb. up into ten thousand (small) pieces; hack sb. into a thousand pieces; hew (and hack) a body to pieces; 碎石 spall; breakstone; gallet; galet; reduced stone; rubble; hardcore; debris; dust; macadam; chats; crushed stones; broken stones; 碎铁 bushel iron; cobbing; broke; refuse; rubbish; 碎屑 fragment; bits; shard; scrap; refuse; chippings; offal; 碎屑岩 clasolite; clastic rock; detrital rock; aggregated rock; fragmental rock; 碎音 {音} acciaccatura; 碎渣 disintegrating slag; 碎砖 brickbat; brick rubble; rubble; hardcore; 碎嘴子 [方] chatter; jabber; prate; a garrulous person; a chatterbox |