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单词 say
释义 say /sei; se/ vt, vi (3rdpers, pres t says) /sez; sez/, pt, pp said /sed; sed/ [VP6A, 14, 9, 10] 1 say sth (to sb), utter; make (a specified word or remark); use one's voice to produce (words, sentences): 言; 说 (某字或话); 讲 (辞,句): Be polite and say 'Please' and 'Thank you'. 要有礼貌, 并且要说'请'和 '谢谢你 Did you say anything? 你说了什么话吗? He said that his friend's name was Sam. 他说他朋友的名字叫山姆。 Everyone was saying what a handsome couple they made. 大家都说他们是郎才女貌的一对。 Everyone said how well I was looking. 人人都说我气色非常好。 I've something to say to you, to tell you. 我有话要对你说。 I wouldn't say no to a glass of beer, would accept one willingly. 我愿意喝杯啤酒。 You may well say so, you are right. 你那样说很对 (你说得对) 。 S。you say (implying that the speaker may be mistaken). 你是那么说的 (含示对方可能电错) 。 go without saying. be obvious: 不用说; 不待言: It goes without saying that country life is healthier than town life. 乡村生活比城市生活更有益于健康,自不待言。 have nothing/ anything to say for oneself, ie in one's own defence: 无可辩白 (需要辩白): Well, what have you to say for yourself, What can you say to explain or defend your conduct? 你还有何话证? say the word, express agreement: 表示商意: You've only to say the word (eg say 'Yes') and the money's yours, ie I will let you have it. 只要你说声同意,那笔钱就是你的了。 say a good word for sb/sth, commend; praise: 推荐; 夸奖某人或某事物: He hasn't a good word to say for anybody. 他临不称读任何 Ao say one's say, finish what one has to say: 说完所妻说的话: Have you said your say yet? 你要说的话说完了吗? that is to say, in other words: 换言之; 即是: three weeks tomorrow, that's to say, the 10th of May. 三个星期后的明天,也就是说, 五月十日。 What do you say (to sth/doing sth)? What do you think (about.. 徐想不想…; 你认为… 如何 What do you say to a walk/to going round to my mother's? 你想不想去散散步 (到我母亲那里去走走)? say, exclamation used to draw attention, open a conversation or express surprise. 我说; 咬呀 (用于引起注意,开始谈话或表示惊讶的感叹语) 。 They say: It's said, forms used to introduce reports, rumours, etc: 据说 (用以引述传闻谣言等的语辞 j: They say/It's said that he's a miser. 据证他是小气鬼。 2 (also [VP10] esp neg and interr) suppose; estimate; form and give an opinion concerning: (亦用作 [VP10] 尤用于否定及疑问句中) 假定; 估计; 姑 EL 说; 形成并说出有关…的意见 -There is no saying when this war will end. 天晓得这场战学砰时会结束。 And so say all of us, that is the opinion of all of us. 我们全抱那种看法。 You may learn to play the violin in, let's say, three years. 你大概要三年才可以学会拉小提琴。 n (only in the following) (仅用于下列各片语中) have/say one's say. express one's opinion; state one's views: 表达意见; 陈述观点: Let him have his say. 让他表达他的意见吧。 have a/no/not much, etc 'say in the matter, have some/no/not much right or opportunity to share in a discussion, decision, express one's opinions, etc: 在该事件中有若干 (液有,不大有) 权利或机会参加讨论、决定、表示自己的意见等: He didn't have much say in deciding where they should spend their holidays. 对于他们去那里度假,也没多少决定的权利。 saying /'senij; 'seiij/ n remark commonly made; well-known phrase, proverb, etc: 谚语; 格言; 名言: ‘More haste, less speed', as the saying goes. 谚云 ,' 欲速则不达




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