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单词 saloon
释义 saloon /8s'Iu: n; ssuun/ n 1 room for social use in a ship, hotel, etc: (轮船,旅馆等之) 交谊厅; 大厅: the ship's 'dining- ~. 轮船的餐听。,~ bar, most comfortable bar in a public house or inn. 酒店或客楼中最舒适之酒吧; 高级酒吧。 0 public bar at public. 2 public room or rooms for a specified purpose: 供特殊用途的公共大听或场所: a 'billiards/ 'hairdressing 撞球场 (美容院) <, 3 (US) place where alcoholic drinks mav be bought and drunk (GB 英 = p 泌); bar. (美) 酒店; 酒吧。 4 (,~) -car, (GB) motor-car with wholly enclosed seating space for 4—7 passengers (US 美 =sedan) . ( 英) (可佚四至七人乘坐之) 大桥车。




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