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单词 saddle
释义 saddle /'saedl; 'saedl/ n 1 leather seat for a rider on a horse, donkey or bicycle; part of a horse's back on which the seat is placed. 鞍; 鞍座; (脚踏车的)车座; (马背的)鞍部。 D the illus at bicycle, harness. 参看 bicycle, harness 之插图。 in the ~, on horseback; (fig) in a position of control or power. 骑着马; (喻)处于统辖或当权的地位。 '~bag n a one of a pair of bags laid over the back of a horse or donkey. 鞍囊。 b small bag hung behind a bicycle ~. (挂于脚踏车车座后面的)小袋。 '~-sore adj (of a rider) having sores caused by chafing from the ~. (骑马者因马鞍之磨擦所产生之)鞍疮。 ~ of mutton/venison, joint of meat from the back of the animal, together with part of the backbone and ribs. 带脊骨与肋骨的羊肉(鹿肉)。 2 line or ridge of high land rising at each end to a high point. 两搴间的凹下部分; 鞍状山脊 → the illus at mountain. 参看 mountain 之插图。 vt 1 [VP6A] put a ~ on (a horse). 装鞍于(马)。 2 [VP14] ~ sb with sth, put a heavy responsibility on him; put a burden, etc, on him: 使负重责; 加重担等瓜: be ~d with a wife and ten children; 担负一妻和十个子女的重担; ~ sb with heavy tasks. 使某人做吃重工作。 sad-dler /'saedla(r); 'saedl/ n maker of ~s and leather goods for horses. 鞍工; 马具师。 saddlery /'saedbn; 'saedbn/ n [U] goods made by a saddler; [C] (pl -ries) saddler's business. 马具; 马具业。




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