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单词 ache
ache/eɪk/ nvi [-d,-d/t/; -eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n(1)疼痛(dull steady pain)[C](常用于合成词):have an~in one's (or the) stomach (chest/heal/tired feet) 胃(胸口/脚后跟/疲劳的双脚)痛;There were~s in his joints.他的关节痛。feel an~in one's bosom 觉得胸部痛;I have~s and pains all over.(My body is all~s and pains.)我浑身痛。A dentist can fix that~.牙医能治好那种疼痛。suffer from earache/toothache/backache 耳朵/牙齿/背痛;have a headache/an earache/a stomach-ache 头/耳朵/胃痛;〖同〗pain,hurt;

(2)忧伤,怜恤,渴望(feeling of sadnesspity or longing)[C]:I don't have any right to add to the~of her heart.我没有权利使她更伤心。the~in one's heart 心中的忧伤;the heart~of losing a child 失去孩子的伤心;

→′achy adj 疼痛的;

vi(1)感觉疼,疼痛(be in or suffer a dull steady pain)[I]:Her head/back/tooth/leg~s.她头/背/牙/腿痛。I('m)~(ing) all over.我浑身痛。He was tired and~ing.他累得浑身痛。The blow/strong light made my eyes~. 那一下子打得/强光照得我眼痛。〖同〗hurt;

(2)渴望(want very much;long)[I+prep(for/with),I+to-inf]:be~ing for home/a cigarette非常想家/抽支烟;~(with desire)to go home/to see sb/to tell sb the good news非常想回家/见某人/告诉某人那好消息;

(3)忧伤,可怜(feel sadnesspityor the like)[I+prep(for)]:Her heart~d for the orphan.她为那孤儿而心碎。It makes her heart~to see her child suffer.看见自己的孩子受苦令她心痛。The sight of it makes my heart~.这情景使我伤心。

【说明】ache构成复合名词时,如指状况,为不可数名词,如:Sweets give me toothache.(吃糖使我牙痛。)如指一次疼痛的发作,AmE中为可数名词,而BrE中为不可数名词,如:I often get stomach-aches(AmE)/stomach-ache(BrE).(我常常胃痛。)但注意:headache 永远为可数名词,如:I have a headache.(我头痛。)

【辨异】achepain都表示“痛”。ache 是持续的局部疼痛;pain是局部波及全身的剧痛。仅ache 可构成表示疼痛的复合名词。





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