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单词 rock
释义 rock1 /mk; rak/ n 1 [U] solid stony part of the earth's crust: 地壳之坚硬石质部分; 岩层; 岩: a house built upon ~. 建筑于岩石上的一座房屋。 bedrock at bed' (4). → the illus at stratify, 参看 stratify 之插图。 2 [C, U] mass of ~ standing out from the earth's surface or from the sea. (从地球表面或海中突出之) 岩石; 礁石。 as firm/solid as a ~, immovable; (fig) (of persons) sound; dependable. 安如磐石; (喻) (指人) 稳健的; 可靠的。 on the ~s, (of a ship) wrecked on ~s; (fig, of a person) very short of money; (of a marriage) likely to end in divorce or separation. (指船) 毁汰石上; 触礁而破; (喻, 指人) 极缺钱; (指婚姻) 可能离婚或分居。 see ~s ahead, see danger of shipwreck (or fig, any kind of danger). 看到前面的岩礁; 看到船将触礁的危险; (喻) 看到任何危险。 the R~of Ages, Jesus Christ. 万世磐石 (耶稣基督) 。 3 [C] large, detached stone or boulder: 大石块或大圆石: ~ s rolling down the side of a mountain; 也一山坡浪下之巨石; (US) (美) → stone' (2). 4 [U] (GB) kind of hard, sticky sweet, usu made in long cylindrical pieces: (英) 一种硬而贴之糖果 (通常制成长圆柱形) ; 硬糖: stick of ~; 一条硬糖; almond ~. 杏仁硬糖。 5 on the ~s, (US) (of whisky) served on ice-cubes without water. (美) (指威士忌酒) 加冰块饮用。 6 (compounds) (复合字) ~-'bottom n [U] lowest point: 最低点; 最底限度: Prices have reached ~-bottom; 价钱已到最低限度; (attrib) (形容用法) ~ ~ bottom prices. 最低的价钱。 '~cake n [C] small cake or bun with a hard, rough surface. 表面硬粗的小甜饼。 '~-climbing n the climbing of masses of ~ on mountain-sides (with the help of ropes, etc). (借绳索等之助) 攀登岩壁。 '~-crystal n pure natural transparent quartz. 天然的読明石英石。 ' ~- garden n artificial or natural bank or mound with ~s and stones and ~-plants growing among them. 岩石庭园 (人工筑造之假山或自然之石垣,并有植物生长于岩石之间) 。 ~-plant n kinds of plant found growing among ~s, esp on mountains and cultivated in —gardens, etc. 岩间植物 (尤指长于山石间, 及栽植于岩石庭园等中者) 。 .—'salmon n (trade name for) dogfish. (商用名称) 角桨。 '~-salt n common salt as found in mines in crystal form. 岩盐; 石盐 (在碍中掘得之结晶形食盐) 。 '~ery /'rokdri; 'rakan/ n [C] (pl -ies) - -garden.




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