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单词 rob
释义 rob /rob; rob/ vt (-bb-) [VP6A, 14] rob sb/sth (of sth), 1 deprive (sb) of his property; take property from (a place) unlawfully (and often by force): 抢夺 (某人) 之财物; (常以暴力) 非法地从 (某地) 劫去财物: I 心了 robbed of my watch. 我的手表被抢走了。 Cf 参较 I had my watch stolen. 我的手魏被偷了 The bank was robbed last night. 昨窿那银行 The village boys rob my orchard. 村中的男孩子们强摘我的果园中的果子。 Cf 参较 They steal apples from my orchard, 他们偸去我果园中的苹果。 2 deprive a person of (what is due to him, etc): 剥夺某人 (有权享有的东西等): be robbed of the rewards of one's labour. 被剥夺其劳力应得乏报酬。 robber n person who robs; thief. 强盗; 贼。 robbery /'roban; 'raban/ n [G, U] (pl -ries) (instance of) robbing: 抢夺; 剥夺; 抢夺或剥夺的实例: robbery with violence; 暴力抢夺; three robberies in one week. 一周之内三次抢美。 daylight robbery. (colloq) charging of excessive prices: (俗) 开价遍商; 漫天要价 50p fpr a cup of coffee is daylight robbery! 一杯咖啡要五十辨土真是敲竹杠!




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