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单词 retreat
释义 retreat /n'tri: t; n'trit/ vi 1 [VP2A, C, 3A] ~ (from) (to), (esp of an army) go back; with→draw: (尤指军队)撤退; 退却: force the enemy to ~; 迫使敌人退却; ~ on (ie towards) the capital.\\ 向首都撤退。 2 recede (which is more usu): 向后倾 (recede 较常用): a ~ing forehead. 向后倾斜的额头 n1 [U] act of ~ing: 撤退或后退的行动: The army was in full 全军在总撤退。 We made good our ~, ~ed safely. 我们安全撤退。 2 [U] signal for ~ing: 退军号; 撤退号: sound the ~, eg on a drum or bugle. 鸣金收军(例如击军技或吹退军号)。 3 [C] instance of ~ing: 撤退或后退之实例: #7er many advances and ~s. 经过许多次推进与撤退。 beat a (hasty) ~, (fig) withdraw from, abandon, an undertaking. (O) 放弃一事'业; 打退堂鼓。 4 [C, U] (place for a) period of quiet and rest: 一段安静和休息期间; 宁静的休息处所: 0 quiet country ~. 乡间宁静庵。 go into ~, eg temporary retirement for religious exercises. 避静(如为宗敎活动所作之暂时性隠居)。




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