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单词 全神贯注

全神贯注quán shén guàn zhù

zhu very attentively;raptly; be (wholly) absorbed in; be all attention;be (completely) engrossed in; be preoccupied with;be wrapped up in; concentrate (/focus) all one’s attention on; with all one’s mental faculties on the stretch; with breathless (/rapt/undivided)attention
❍ 他们~地听我说话,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》 17) They listened attentively to what I had to say,…/窝头不大好吃,可是因为捧着书~在这上面,一个窝头不知不觉就吃完了。(杨沫《青春之歌》116) The corn bread was not very palatable;but she was so absorbed in her books that she often finished her meal without noticing it.
❍ 现在,这位年轻的侦察队长,坐在坑道口的青石上,那样~地倾听着八连指导员的意见,似乎要把吴兴洲讲的每一个细节都印在自己的脑子里。(杨佩瑾《剑》8) Now Liang,seated on the stone slab near the tunnel entrance,was all ears to what the political instructor was saying,as if he’d print every detail on his mind.
❍ 雷参谋此时~在徐曼丽身上。渐渐他俩的谈话最多,也最亲热。(茅盾《子夜》47) By now Col. Lei was completely engrossed in the “Flower of Society”and their conversation became more and more lively and intimate.
❍ 徐辉侧着头~地听着。(杨沫《青春之歌》226) Xu Hui listened carefully,…/军官们安静下来,完全是听候战斗命令的精神和姿态,~地望着沈振新的嘴唇。(吴强《红日》87) The officers fell silent,mentally and physically alert to receive their battle orders and watching Shen Zhenxin’s lips with undivided atten tion.
❍ 但她却~地凝望着我,若痴若迷地微微张着嘴,微微偏着头,听着我的快得难于捕捉的讲话,眼神里充满了热情、凝重和喜悦。(王汶石《风雪之夜》117) For all that she still concentrated all her attention on me,though she looked a little dazed with her mouth slightly open and her head cocked a little to one side. She was listening to my lecture,which was then too fast for her to follow,but her eyes were filled with warmth,dignity and approval.
❍ 下坡顺滑,速度加快,需要~,而用不着很大体力,是他们体力上的休息的时机,……(曲波《林海雪原》288) Travelling downhill,their pace was rapid and required complete mental concentra tion. But it was no such a strain on the body;physically,they could relay.
❍ 他们在吊桥外面的青纱帐里碰到了贾正。贾正正~地仔细听察据点里嘁嘁嚓嚓、吭吭噔噔的响动。(冯志《敌后武工队》315) They bumped into Jia Zheng whose entire focus of concentration was on scouting and listening for sounds from within the strongpoint.
❍ 他霍然转过头~地观察对方。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》161) Xu Pengfei abruptly turned his head and stared intently at his adversary.
❍ 剑波在他的指挥阵地,李勇奇家里的炕上,从窗子上看的清清楚楚,身旁的李鸿义,手握发电机摇把,~地盯着剑波的右手。(曲波《林海雪原》374) In his command post in Yongqi’s house,Jianbo,seated on the platform bed,saw everything clearly through the window. Beside him was Little Li,the messenger,his hand on the generator crank,his eyes riveted on Jianbo’s rightarm,…


be absorbed(or engrossed)in;concentrate one’s attention on; be preoccupied with;wrapped up in;with great concentration
~地听讲listen attentively (or with rapt attention)/~地做作业concentrate on doing homework

全神贯注quán shén ɡuàn zhù

贯注:集中到一点。形容注意力非常集中。be absorbed in, be all attention, with all one’s soul, be all eyes, have on the brain





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