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单词 resurgent
释义 resurgent /n'sxdsant; n'sdjant/ adj reviving; coming back to activity, vigour, etc (after defeat, destruction, etc): 复活的; 复苏的; 恢复活动的; 恢复活力的: ~ nationalism; 复活的民族主义; ~ hopes. 复苏的希望。 resurgence /-ans; -ans/ n resurrect /.reza'rekt; Zr£za'rekt/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A] bring back into use; revive the practice of: 恢技使用; 恢复…之实行; 再流行; 复兴: ~ an old word/ custom. 恢复使用一个古字 (风俗) 。 2 [VP6A] take from the grave; (colloq) dig up: 从坟墓中掘出; (俗) 掘起: My dog ~ed an old bone in the garden. 我的狗在花园中挖出一根老骨头。 3 [VP6A, 2A] (rare) bring or come back to life again. (罕) (使) 复苏; (使) 复活。.




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