释义 |
疯(瘋)fēnɡ ❶ (神经错乱;精神失常) mad;crazy;insane:发 ~ become crazy; 到这样薄的冰上溜冰,你真是 ~ 了。 It was crazy of you to go skating on such thin ice. 他完全 ~ 了。 He was stark mad. ❷ (指农作物生长旺盛而不结果实) (of a plant,grain crop,etc.) spindly and not likely to bear much fruit or seed) spindle:~ 枝 fruitless branches ◆疯草 {植} loco weed; 疯癫 insane;mad; 疯疯癫癫 have a bee in one's bonnet;act like a lunatic;act one mad;be flighty;be off [out of] one's head;behave in a crazy manner;gesticulate wildly;be mentally deranged;have a screw loose; 疯羔病 daft lamb; 疯狗 mad dog;rabid dog; 疯狂 (发疯) insane;(猖狂) frenzied;unbridled; 疯狂敌视 rabid hostility; 疯狂反扑 make a frenzied counterattack;a desperate counterattack; 疯狂挣扎 frenzied and desperate kicks;;疯牛病mad cow disease疯人院 madhouse;bedlam;bughouse;loony bin;lunatic asylum; 疯人庄 funny farm; 疯瘫 paralysis; 疯长 {农} overgrowth;spindling;{植} excessive vegetative growth; 疯子 lunatic;madman;madling |