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单词 restrict
释义 restrict /n'stnkt; n'stnkt/ vt [VP6A, 14] ~ (to), limit; keep within limits: 限甬 I; 约束; 使在限产内: Discussion at the meeting was ~ed to the agenda. 这次会议上的讨论只限于议程上的项目。 We are ~ed to a speed of 30 miles an hour in built-up areas. 在房屋林立的地区车速限制为每小时三十哩。 The trees ~ our vision. 树木限制了我们的视野。 Is the consumption of alcohol ~ed by law in your country? 在贵国酒的消耗量是否受法律限制? re-striction /n-'stnkjn; n'stnkjan/ n 1 [U] ~ing or being ~ed: 限制; 被限制: ~ion of expenditure. 经费开支之限制。 2 [C] instance of this; sth that ~s: 限制之实例; 有限制作用之事物; 限制者: Place -ions on foreign trade/on the sale of alcohol; 管制对外贸易(酒之售卖); currency ~ions, eg on the sums that a person may use for foreign travel. 货币管制。~ - ive /n'stnktiv; rfstnktiv/ adj ~ing; tending to ~. 限制的; 限制性的。 ~ive practices, (in industry) practices that hinder the most effective use of labour, technical resources, etc and tend to damage productive efficiency. (工业方面的)限制性常例(妨碍劳、技术资源等的最有效使用,因之损及生产效率者)。 ~ly adv




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