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单词 repress
释义 repress /n'pres; n'prcs/ vt [VP6A] keep or put down or under; prevent from finding an outlet: 镇压; 抑制; 阻止: ~ a revolt; 镇击暴动; ~ sedition; 消弭叛变; ~ a sneeze; 抑止喷嚏; ~ an impulse; 抑制冲动; ~ed emotions. 压抑的情绪。 ~ed adj suffering from repression b , 受压制的; 被抑制的。 repression /n'pre/n; n'pref an/ n 1 [U] ~ing or being ~ed. 镇压; 抑制。 2 [U] (psych) forcing into the unconscious of impulses and desires,, esp those in conflict with accepted standards of conduct, often resulting in abnormal behaviour; [C] impulse or instinct ~ed in this way. (心理) 压抑(把本能的冲动和欲望,尤其是与一般公认的行为标准相冲突者,压抑于非意识中, 往往因而导致行为异常); 被哒抑的行为或未能。 repressive /n'presiv; ri'prcsiv/ adj serving or tending to 钻压的; 抑岗的; 哒抑鬲: ~ive legislation. 镇压性的立法。 The ~ fve measures taken by the police were condemned in Parliament. 警方所采取的镇压措施在国会中受到抨击。




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