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单词 regular
释义 regular /'regjub(r); 'rcgjalw/ adj 1 evenly arranged; symmetrical; systematic: 整齐的; 端正的; 对称的; 有系统的: ~ teeth; 整齐的牙齿; ~ features, eg of the face; 端正的面貌; a ~ figure; 匀称的身材; a ~ nomenclature. 有系统的命名法。 2 coming, happening, done, again and again at even intervals: 习惯性的; 有规律的; 不变的; 经常的; 定期的 -a man with ~ habits, doing the same things at the same times every day; 生活习惯有规律的人; keep ~ hours, eg leaving and returning home, getting up and going to bed, at the same times every day; 按时作息; 过规律生活; ~ breathing; 均匀的呼吸; have a ~ pulse; 脉搏跳动正常; walking up and down with ~ steps. 以规律的步子走来走去。 He has no ~ work, no continuous occupation. 也没有固定的工作。 3 properly qualified; recoghized; trained; full-time or professional: 合格的; 认可的; 有训练的; 专任的; 职业性的: ~ soldiers, not volunteers or militia; 常备兵; 正规兵; the ~ army, made up of ~ soldiers. 常浦军; it 短军。 4 conforming to a standard of etiquette; in agreement with what is considered correct procedure or behaviour: 合于礼仪标进的; 合于正确之手绩或行为的: I doubt whether your procedure would be considered ~ by the authorities. 我怀疑当局是否会认为你的手绩合乎规定。 5 (gram, of w, nn, etc) having normal inflections: (文法,指动词、名词等) 变化有规则的: The verb 'go' is not ~. 动词 go 的变化不规则。 6 (eccles) bound by, living under, religious rule (opp of secular) '. (教会) 受教规约束的; 按教规生活的; 属于教团的 (为 secular 之相反字): the ~ clergy, eg monks but not parish priests. 属于教团的附侣 (但并非教区教士) 。 7 (colloq) thorough; complete: (俗) 彻底的; 完全的: He's a ~ her。/rascal. 他是十足的英雄 (流鲛) 。 8 ordinary; normal: 普通的; 一般的: Do you want king size cigarettes or ~ size? 你要长枝的还是一般长短的香烟? 9 (colloq) likeable; good: (俗) 可爱的; 好的: He's a ~ guy. 他是个好人。 n 1 soldier of the ~ army. 常备兵; 正规兵。 2 (colloq) ~ customer or client, eg at a hairdresser's or a pub. (俗) 常客; 老主顾 (如美容院或酒馆中者) 。 ~ly adv in a ~ manner; at ~ intervals or times: 整齐地; 端正地; 有规律地; 经常地; 定期地: 0 garden ~ly laid out; 设计得很整齐的花园; as ~ly as clockwork (像钟表装置一般) 非常规律地。 ~ity /,regju'laerati; ’regj 知 aeroti/ n [U] state of being ~: 整齐; 端正; 规律; 经常; 定期: win a prize for ~ity of attendance. 因全勤而获奖。




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