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单词 reflecation
释义 reflocation (GB also reflexion) /n'flekfn; n- /'fkkjsn n 1 [U] reflecting or being reflected: 反射; 被反射; 反映: the ~ of heat. 热之反射。 2 [C] sth reflected, esp an image reflected in a mirror or in still water: 被反射或反映之物; (尤指) 镜中或静水中之映像: see one's ~ in a mirror; 方自己在镜中的映像; the ~ of trees in (the -water of) a lake. 湖 (水) 中树的倒影。 3 [U] thought; (re)consideration: 思想; 沉思; (再) 考虑: lost in ~; 陷于沉思中; do sth without sufficient ~. 未经过深思就虑即做某事。 on ~, after reconsidering the matter. 经何三名虑。 4 [C] expression of a thought in speech or writing; idea arising in the mind: (在言谈或写作中的) 思想之表达; 心中产生的意念: ~ s on the pleasures of being idle. 对闲散生活之乐趣的看法。 5 [C] expression of blame: 非难; 责备: I intended no ~ on your character, did not want to suggest that you are blameworthy. 我无意对你的品格有何责难。 How dare you cast ~s on my motives? 你怎敢责难我的动机? 6 [C] sth that brings discredit: 南来耻辱之事物: This is a ~ upon your honour. 这对你的名誉是一种损害。




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