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单词 read
释义 read /ri: d; rid/ vt, vi ( pt, pp read) /red; red/ 1 [VP6A, 2A] (used in the simple tenses or with can/be able) look at and (be able to) understand (sth written or printed): (用作简单时姑或与 can, be able 连用时) 证; 弟懂: Can you ~ Chinese charac-ters/French/a musical score? 你能看懂中文字 (法文, 糜谱) 吗? A motorist must be able to ~ traffic signs. 驾车者必须能看懂交通标志。 Can the child ~ the time/the clock yet? 这孩子会看时间 (钟) 吗? I can't ~ your shorthand notes. 我看不懂徐的速记 letter to all of us. 她向我们大家朗谛那封信。 The reproved me. 那老人教训了我一番。 The play was ~ (ie each actor ~ his part aloud) before the 符号。 The boy can neither ~ nor write. 这男孩既不会读也不会写。 2 [VP6A, 12A, 13A, 15B, 2A, C] (simple or continuous tenses) reproduce mentally or vocally the words of (an author, book, etc): (用于简单式或进行式) 阅读; 默读; 朗诵: R ~ the letter aloud, please. 请大声念这封信。 She was ~ing the letter silently/to herself 她正在默读那封信。 She was ~ing a story to the children. 她正在念一篇故事给孩子们听。 I haven't enough time to ~ /for ~ing. 我没有足够的时间阅诚。 He ~ the letter through six times. 他把那封信从头到尾看了六次。 Please ~ me the letter. 请把那封信念给我听。 She ~ out the old man ~ me a lesson/ ~ me a severe lecture, cast went on the stage. 剧本在上演之前先 (由演员) 诵读台词。 3 [VP6A, 15A, B] study (a subject, esp at a university): 研究; 攻救 (一学科,尤指大学中者 j: He's ~ing physics/ ~ing for a degree in physics/ ~ing for a physics degree at Cambridge. 他在剑桥大学攻读物理 (攻证物理学位) 。 He's ~ing for the Bar, studying law in order to become a barrister. 他在攻读法律准备当律师。 You had better ~ the subject up, make a special study of it. 你最好对这科卩序深入而研究。 4 [VP6A] interpret mentally; learn the significance of: 解释; 解答; 领会…的意义: ~ a riddle/dream; 解谜 (详梦); ~ sb's thoughts 了解某人之思想。 The gipsy offered to ~ my hand/ palm, tell me about myself and the future by examining the lines on the palm of my hand. M 个吉卜赛人要为我看手相。 5 [VP2C] give a certain impression; seem (good, etc) when 给予某种印象; 证起来似乎 (不错等): The play ~s better than it acts, is better for ~ing than for performance on the stage. 这个剧本读起来要比上演好得多。 6 [VP16B] assume, find implications in (what is read, etc): 假定或找出 (所成之物等中) 的含意: Silence mustn't always be ~ as consent, We must not always assume that a person means 'Yes' when no answer is given to a request, etc, 沉默不能永远被假定为同意。 ~ into, add more than is justified: 加上某种含意; 自以为有某种含意: You have ~ into her letter more sympathy than she probably feels. 自以为她信中的同情比她可能感觉到的要多。 ~ between the lines, look for or discover meanings that are not actually expressed, 找出字里行间的苴外之意。 7 [VP2B] (of instruments) indicate: (指仪器) 指示: What does the thermometer 温值讦指专小度? 8 [VP15A] bring into a specified state by ~ing: 由阅昶而进入某种状态: She - herself to s/eep. 她看书看得睡着了。 9 (pp with an adv) having knowledge gained from books, etc: (过去分词与副词连用) 有从书中得来的知识的; 有书本知识的: a we ~ man; 学问渊博的人; deeply ~ in the classics. 精通古典文学。 n period of time given to ~ing: 每注阅读的一段时间: have a good ~ in the train; 在火车上好好看一会儿书; have a quiet 静静地看一会儿书。 ~able /'rkddbl; 'ridabl/ adj 1 that is easy or pleasant to ~. 易诚的; 证'来令人愉快的。 2 that can be ~. 能够被读的; 可读的; 清禁的。 → legible, the more usu word, (legible 较常用) 。 ~ability /,ri: da'bilati; rida'bibti/ n




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