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单词 union
释义 union /'ju: man; 'junjan/ n 1 [U] uniting or being united; joining or being joined; [C] instance of this: 联合; 合并; 其实例: the ~ of the three towns into one; 三市镇合而为一; the Universal Postal U~, of countries for the purpose of interchanging mail services to mutual advantage; 万国邮政协会; the U~ of Soviet Socialist Republics (abbr 略作USSR). 苏维埃社会主义共和国联邦; 苏联。 the U~, a of England and Scotland (in 1707). (1707年) 英格茧和苏格兰的合并。 b the United States of America: 美利坚合众国; 美国: the President's address to the U~, to all US citizens. (美国) 总统对全民的演讲。 the U~ Jack, the British flag. 英国国旗。 → the illus at flag. 参看 flag 之插图。 2 [U] state of being in agreement or harmony: —致; 和谐: live in perfect ~; 十分和睦地生活; [C] instance of this: 一致或和谐的实例: a happy ~, eg a happy marriage. 美满的结合 (如愉快的婚姻) 。 3 [C] association formed by the uniting of persons, groups, etc, 同盟; 协会 esp 尤指 trade- ~, → trade' (1). 4 (old use; GB) workhouse built by two or more parishes for administration of the poor laws. (旧用法; 英) 救贫院; 贫民所。 5 the U~, general society at some universities, etc. (某些大学等的) 学联会。 6 [C] coupling for connecting rods or pipes. (机械) 管接; 管套节。 7 ~ suit, (US) combinations ⑷. (美)连裤内衣。 ~ist /-ist.; -ist/ n [C] 1 member of a trade ~; supporter of trade ~s. 工会的会员; 支持工会者。 2 U~ist, a (GB politics) person who, before the Irish Free State was established, opposed the granting of independence to Ireland. (英国政治) (爱尔兰自由邦成立前) 反对爱尔兰独立者。 b supporter of the Federal Government of the US during the Civil War; opponent of secession. (美国内战期间) 联邦主义者; 反对分裂者; 支持联邦政府者。




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