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单词 reach
释义 reach /ri: tj; ritj/ vt, vi 1 [VP2C, 3C, 15B] - (out) (for), stretch out: 伸出: He ~ed out his hand for the knife, but it was too far away. 他伸出手取那刀子,但太远了,构不着。 He ~ed (out) for the dictionary. 他伸出手拿字典。 2 [VP6A, 15B, 12B, 13B] stretch out the hand for and take (sth); get and give (sth) to: 伸手取 (某物); 把 (某物) 避给: Can you ~ that book for your brother? 你能把那本书递给你哥哥 (弟弟) 吗? Please ~ me that book. 请把那本舍派峪我。 He ~ed down the atlas from the top shelf. 他从书架的顶层取下地图集来。 3 [VP6A] (lit or fig) get to, go as far as: (字面或喻) 抵达; 到: ~ London; 抵达伦敦; ~ the end of the chapter. 看到这章的条定。 Can you' ~ the branch with those red apples? 你能构到那根结有红苹果的枝子吗? Not a sound ~ed our ears. 我们没有听到任何声音。 4 [VP2C] extend; go; pass: 延伸; 通到; 传达: My land ~es as far as the river. 我的地一直延伸到河边。 The speaker's voice did net ~ to the back of the hall. 讲演者的声音不能传到大厅的后边。 I haven't been able to reach Kate for days, ie get into contact with her, eg by telephone. 我已好些天没有联络到凯蒂了 (如以电话联络) 。 as far as the eye can to the horizon. 就目力之所及; 远及地平线; 极目。 5 — me-downs n pl (sl) second-hand clothes. (俚) 估衣 o n 1 (sing only) act of ~ing or stretching out (a hand, etc): (仅用单数) (手等之) 伸出; 延伸: get sth by a long ~. 把手伸长取某物。 2 [U] extent to which a hand, etc can be ~ed out. a movement carried out or bne's mental powers extended or used: (手、活动、心力等所及的) 范围: This boxer has a long 这位拳击手的手构得很远。 within/out of/beyond ~: I like to have my reference books -within my ~ /within easy ~, so near that I can get them quickly and easily. 我喜欢把参考书放在我伸手可取的范围内 (顺手可取的地方) 。 Put that bottle of weed-killer out of the children's ~ /out of ~ of the children. 把那瓶除草药放在孩子们拿不到的地方。 The hotel is within easy ~ of the beach. 这家旅馆距离海演很近。 The village is within ~ of London. 该村庄就在伦敦附近。 He was beyond ~ of human aid, No one could do anything to help him. 任何人都帮不上他的忙。 3 [C] continuous extent, esp of a river or canal, that can be seen between two bends or locks. 连续不断的地区; (尤指河或运河的两皆间可见的) 河段。功 lock1 (3) : one of the most beautiful ~es of the Thames. 泰晤士河最美丽的河段之一。




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