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单词 pull
释义 pull2 /pul; pul/ vt, vi (For special uses with adverbial particles and preps, 7 below.) (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法,参看下列第 7 义。) 1 [VP6A, 15A, B, 22, 2A] (contrasted with push) use force upon (sth or sb) so as to draw towards or after one, or in the direction indicated: (与 push 相对)拉; 扯; 拖: The horse was ~ing a heavy cart. 骂在拉重的车。 How many coaches can that locomotive ~? 那个火车头能拉多少节客车? Would you rather push the barrow or ~ it? 你麻推还是愿段手推车? The baby was ~ing its father's beard. 那亵免左扯他父亲的舗子。 P~ your chair up to the table. 把你的椅子拖近桌边。 She ~ed her tights/gloves on/off. 她把她的紧身衣(手套)穿(戴)上 (脱下)。 He ~ed my ears/ ~ed me by the ears. 他扯我的耳朵。 I'm going to the dentist to have a bad tooth ~ed out. 我要到牙医那里拔掉一颗坏甲。 Stop ~ing, please! 请别拉了 ! ~ sth to pieces, use force to separate its parts or to break it up into parts; (fig) criticize severely by pointing out the weak points or faults: 用力将某物扯成碎片或拆散; (喻)指出缺点或错误而加以严厉地批评: He ~ed my proposals/theory to pieces. 他把我的建议(理论) 批评得体无完肤。 2 [VP6A, 15A, B, 2A, C] move (a boat) by ~ing an oar or a pair of oars; (of a boat) be rowed (by): 划(船); (指船)被划动: Now, all ~ together, please! 现在请大家一起划! The men/boat ~ed for the shore. 那些人(该船) 划向岸边。 ~ together, (fig) work together; co-operate. (喻)一起工作; 合作。 ~ one's weight, exert oneself so as to do a fair share of the work: 尽力做好自己的一份工作; 尽自己的本分: Either you ~ your weight or we replace you. 你要是不尽力做好你的工作,我们便换人做你的事。 3 [VP3A] ~ at/on sth, a give a tug: 拖曳: ~ at/on a rope. 拖曳绳子。 (6) draw or suck: 吸; 吮: ~ing at his pipe, drawing in breath and smoke through his (tobacco) pipe; 吸他的烟斗; ~ at a bottle, have a drink from one. 从瓶 0 cpull1 (1). 4 ~ 'fast one, (colloq) deceive sb. (俗)欺骗某人; 欺诈。 ~ a muscle, strain it. 拉伤肌肉。 ~ a proof, take an impression (from type); print a proof, 印刷校稿。 For other uses with nn, → the n entries, eg 与名词连用的其他用法参看各名词,如 ~ a face/faces : ~ sb's leg; ~ one's punches; ~ strings; ~ wires; ~ the 'wool over sb's eyes. 5 (in games, sport)' (用于游戏、运动) (golf) hit (the ball) wrongly to the left, Cf 参较 sliced (高尔夫球)击(球)偏向左方; (cricket) str 汰 e (the ball) forward and to the left of the wicket, by striking across the ball's path; (板球)击(球)向前至三柱门的左方; (horse-racing) ~ in the reins (of a horse) to prevent it from winning. (赛马)(故意要输而)勒住马。 6 (sl) raid; rob: (U)袭击; 抢劫: ~ a bank; 抢劫银行; steal: 伦窃: ~ a few thousand quid. 偸窃几千如。 7 [VP15B, 2C] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与副词接语和介词连用的特殊用法): pull sb/sth about. ~ in different directions; treat roughly. 拖着某人或某物到处跑; 拖来拖去; 虐待某人或某物。 pull sth apart, tear or ~ into its parts. 扯断; 拆开; 撕开。 pull sth down, destroy or demolish, eg an old building. 摧毁; 拆除(如旧的建筑物)。 pull sb down. (of illness, etc) weaken; lower the spirits of: (指疾病等)使虚弱; 使精神不振: An attack of influenza soon ~s you down. 害一次流行性感冒很快就使你虚弱下来。 pull in, a (of a train) enter a station: (指火车) 进站: The express from Rome ~ed in on time. 从罗马来的快车准时进站。 (b)(of a motor-vehicle or boat) move in towards: 车辆或船)移向; 驶向: 7 腥 boat ~ed in to the bank/shore. 该船向岸靠拢。 The lorry driver ~ed in to the side of the road. 卡车司机把车子驶向路边。 Hence, 由此产生,' ~-in n place at which to ~ in 可停车之处( also r ~-up below (亦参看下列之~ -up)o ~ sb in, a attract, draw: 吸引: The new play at the National Theatre is ~ing in large audiences. 在国家戏: 完 [ 演的新剧吸引了大批观众。 b (colloq,.of the police) detain; arrest: (俗,指警察)拘留; 逮捕: He was ~ed in for questioning/loitering. 他被逮捕审问(他因游荡而遭拘留)。 ~ sth in, (colloq) earn: (俗)赚进: How much money is he ~ing in, do you think? 你认为他赈进多少钱? ~ oneself in. draw in the stomach muscles (so as to be upright, less flabby). 收缩腹肌(保持身体正直,减少腹肌松弛)。 pull sth off, a drive a motor-vehicle into a layby or hard shoulder. 将车开入大路旁的停车处。 Hence, 由此产生,' ~-off n (US) (美) - layby, b succeed in a plan, in winning sth: (某项详画)获得成功; 得到某物:~。 ff a good speculation; 在一宗投机生意中大获成功; ~ off some good wins at the races, make successful bets. 在赛马中岳了可观的赌注。 pull out, a, move or row out; 驶出; 划出: The boat ~ 2 out into midstream. 该船划出而値入中流 ■, The driver of the car ~ed out from behind the lorry. 该车的司机把车子开出行车的行列以便超越那辆卡车。 b detach, eg from a periodical: 分开; 分离(如从一期刊中): (attrib) (形容用法) a ' ~-out supplement, part of a magazine, etc which can be ~ed out and kept separately. (杂志等之可取下单独保存的)増刊。 Hence, 由此产生, r ~-out n ~ out of sth, leave: 离开; 谜主; 脱离: The train out of Euston right on time. 火章准时离开尤斯顿。 Sam ~ed out of the scheme at the last moment. 山姆于最后一刻困出那计划。 ~ (sb) out (of sth), (cause to) leave a place or situation which is too difficult to manage: (使某人)脱离困境: Troops are being =ed out/are ~ irtg out of these troubled areas. 军队被调离(正离开纷乱地区)。 Hence, 由此产生,' ~-out n. The ~-out was planned to spread over a month. 撤离的工作计划在一个月的时间内进行。 pull (sth) over, (cause a vehicle, boat, etc to) move or steer to one side, eg to let another vehicle or boat pass: (将车、船等)开向一边让其他车、 船超越: P~ (your car) over and let me pass! (5 你的车子)开到一边让我超越! pull (sb) round, (help to) recover from illness, weakness, a faint, etc: 康复; 复元; 协助某人使康复、 淸醒等: You'll soon ~ round here in the country. 住在这乡间你不久即可康复。 Have this brandy; it will -you round. 把这点白兰地喝下; 它会使你(从量眩等中)复元。 pull through, a -~ round, b succeed in avoiding difficulties, dangers, etc; avoid failure. 在逃避困难、危险等方面成功; 免于失败。 ~ sb through. a help to recover from illness, etc: 帮助(某人) 祝标健康等: The doctors ~ed me through. 宙星们 . 帮助我恢盅了健康。 b help to avoid failure, help to pass an examination, etc: 协助(某人)免于失败; 帮助(某人)通过考试等: David's tutor did what he could to ~ him through. 大卫的家庭敎师尽力帮助他通过考试。 '■~-through n oily rag attached to a cord, ~ed through the barrel of a rifle, etc to clean it. 枪钟淸扫布(结于绳上之油布,用以拉过枪筒而擦净之)。 pull together, t2 above. 参看上列第 2 我 。 - onself together, get control of oneself, of one's feelings, etc, 控制自己、自己的感情等。 pull (sth) up. bring or come to a stop: 使停止:停止: The driver ~ed up when he came to the traffic lights. 司机遇到交通灯时将车停下来。 He ~ed up his car at the entrance. 他把他的汽车停在大门 。 Hence, 由此产生, ~ up n place at which to ~ up: (路旁)饮食店等(可停车于附近者): 'Good ~-up for lorry-drivers', eg as a sign outside a roadside caf6 (also ~-in above). '货车司机的理想饮食处 (如路边饮食店所挂的招牌) (亦参看上列之 Pull-in). ~ sb up, check; reprimand: 阻止; 申斥: He was ~ed up by the chairman. 他为主席所阻止。 ~ up to/with sb/sth, improve one's relative position (in a race, etc): 改善相对的地位 (如在赛马等中); 追上: The favourite soon ~ed up with the other horses. 那匹有希望髙得竞实的马不久追上了其他的马。




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