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单词 puff
释义 puff1 /pAf; pAf/ n [C] 1 (sound of a) short, quick sending out of breath, air, etc; amount of steam, smoke, etc sent out at one time: (呼吸、空气等) 短而快的喷送; 喧送声; 一次喷出之 (蒸汽、烟等的) L: ~s from a steam-engine; 蒸汽机喷出之气; have a at a pipe. 吸一口烟斗。 2 ('powder-) —, piece or ball of soft material, for putting powder on the face. 粉扑。 3 round, soft mass of material used on an article of dress as an ornament: (衣服上用做装饰的) 图而松的叠缢; 格栏: ~ sleeves, swelling out like balloons. (宽松而鼓起的) 灯龙袖。 4 ~pastry, light, flaky pastry, 玄层酥饼; 千层节。 5 quantity of ~ pastry filled with jam, whipped cream, etc: (包有果医、奶油等的) 酥皮点心: jam ~s. 果酱酥皮点心。 6 review of a book, play, etc, praising it extravagantly. (对书、戏剧等之) 过命夸. 奖的评论; 吹嘘。 7 '~adder n poisonous Afri-can viper which inflates the upper part of its body when excited. 鼓腹姓 (非洲产的一种毒蛇,受到刺激时身体上半部即胀大) 。 ~ ball n kind of fungus shaped like a ball which when ripe breaks open and sends out ~s of dust-like spores. 尘菌; 马勃菌 (形如球, 成熟时即裂开,并喷散出尘土状炮子) 。 ~y adj (-ier, -iest) short of breath; easily made short of breath (by running, climbing, etc); swollen: 喘息的; 易喘点南; 膨胀的: a red face, ~y under the eyes. 一张红红的脸,眼睛下面肿肿的。 ~ i ness n [U] state of being ~ y. 喘息; 易喘息或膨胀的状态。




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