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单词 puff
释义 puff2 /pAf; pAf/ vi, vt 1 [VP2A, C] move along with puffs (1); breathe quickly (as after running); (of smoke, steam, etc) come out in puffs: 喷送着气 (蒸汽、烟等) 而行进; 喘息 (如跑后); (指烟、蒸汽等) 阵阵喷出: The old steam-engine ~ed out of the station. 那辆旧的蒸汽机车喷着阵阵的烟驶出了车站。 He was ~ing hard when he jumped on to the bus. 他跳上公共汽车时喘息不已。 He was ~ing (away) at his cigar. 他一口一口地喷着雪茄烟。 Smoke ~ed up from the crater of the volcano. 烟从火山口一阵阵地喷出。 2 [VP15A, B] send out in puffs: 阵做喷出: He ~ed smoke into my face. 他向着我的咬喷烟。 He managed to ~ out a few words. 他喘息'着说出几句话。 He was rather ~ed (= out of breath) after running to the bus stop. 跑到公共汽车站后,袍喘息不已。 ~ed up, filled with pride; conceited. 傲慢的; 自负的。 3 [VP15B] ~ sth out, a blow out: 吹熄: He ~ed out the candle. 他吹熄蜡烛。 b cause to swell with air: 使胀 (使因有空食而版起): He ~ed out his chest with pride. 他傲气十足地挺起胸膛。 4 [VP6A] praise (a book, etc) in an advertisement or review, esp in an exaggerated way. 在广吿或书评中 (尤指过分) 称赞 (某书等); 吹捧。




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