吞tūnⅠ ❶ (整个儿地或成块地咽下去) swallow; gobble; gulp; devour: 囫囵 ~ 枣 swallow dates whole — to lap up information without digesting it; 一口 ~ 掉 gobble up in one go; devour in one gulp; 他一口把药 ~ 了下去。 He took the medicine at one swallow. 最后她 ~ 金而死。 At last she swallowed gold and died. ❷ (并吞; 吞没) take possession of; absorb; annex: 独 ~ take exclusive possession of; 侵~ 邻国领土 annex neighbouring country's territory Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 景云 Tun Jingyun ◆吞并 annex; gobble up; swallow up; merger; 吞剥 embezzle and exploit; 吞饵上钩 swallow the bait; 吞服 deglutiatur; swallow; take; go down; 吞公肥己 swallow public and fatten oneself; 吞金 swallow gold (to commit suicide); 吞金自尽 kill oneself by swallow ̄ing gold; swallow gold to commit suicide; 吞灭 conquer and annex; 吞没 embezzle; misappropriate; take possession; absorb;swallow up; engulf; 吞声 [书] gulp down one's sobs; swallow one's sobs; dare not cry out; 吞声暗泣 swallow a sob; 吞声饮气 swallow the voice and hold the breath; 吞声饮泣 gulp down sobs; choke down one's tears; conceal one's sorrow; put one's pride in one's pocket; repress one's tears and keep silent; sob bitterly; swallow the voice and tears; weep silent tears; 吞食 swallow; devour; absorb; 吞噬 swallow; gobble up; engulf; devour; phagocytose; 吞吐 swallow and spit; take in and send out in large quantities; hem and haw; mince one's words; 吞吞吐吐 mutter and mumble; falter out a few words; forbear from making a full explanation, complete disclosure or free expression of one's mind; hem and haw; hesitate in speech [speaking]; mince one's words; speak a word and swallow the next word; speak falteringly; speak in a halting way; speak with great reserve; speak with timorous caution; stumble over one's words; talk in ambiguous term; tell falteringly; tick over; trying to hide sth. while speaking; 吞咽 gulp; swallow; ingurgitation; deglutition; 吞云吐雾 blow a cloud — to smoke opium; blow clouds; inhale clouds and exhale mist; opiumsmoking; smoke; smoke tobacco; swallow clouds and blow fogs; 吞占 take possesion of (e.g. land) illegally 吞❶swallow(up); gulp down; devour ❷take possesion of;annex 囫囵~枣swallow dates whole;reading without understanding/狼~虎咽gobble up;wolf down;devour ravenously/生~活剥swallow sth raw and whole;copy mechanically;accept sth uncritically/人心不足蛇~象be as greedy as a snake trying to swallow an elephant/~下苦果swallow a bitter fruit |