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单词 proportion
释义 proportion /pra'pafn; pra'porjan/ n 1 [U] relation of one thing to another in quantity, size, etc; relation of a part to the whole: (- 角与他物在量、大小等方面的) 比例; 比率; 部分与整体的关系: The ~ of imports to exports (= The excess of imports over exports) is worrying the government. 进出口的比率 (入超) 令政府担忧。〃》 ~ to, relative to: 按着的比例; 与成比例: wide in ~ to the height; 就其高度的比例而言是很宽的; payment in ~ to work done, not in ~ to the time taken to do it. 薪资与工作量成比例,并非与花费的时间成比例。 set sth/be out of (all/any) ~ (to), (make sth) bear no relation (to): (使) 与…不相称; (隼) 与…不成比例: earnings are out of all ~ to his skill and ability, He earns much more than is right for his skill and ability. 他的收入和他的技术能力不相构 (收入多本事小) 。 When you're angry, you may get things out of ~, have an exaggerated or distorted view of things. 你在气愤时可能会歪曲事实。 2 (often pl) the correct relation of parts or of the sizes of the several parts: (常用复数) 均衡; 相称: a room of good ~s. 各方面很相称的房间。 The two windows are in admirable ~. 两扇窗子非常相称。 3 (pl) size; measurements: (复) 大小; 面积; 体积: a ship of majestic ~s; 一艘巨亩; build up an export trade of substantial ~s. 建立相当规模的输出贸易。 4 [C] part; share: 部份; 份: You have not done your ~ of the work. 你没做完你的那份工作。 5 (maths) equality of relationship between two sets of numbers; statement that two ratios are equal (eg 4 is to 8 as 6 is to 12. | and are in ~ ). (数学) 比例; 二比相等之敍述 (如 4 比 8 等于 6 比 12, 言和!:成比例) 。 vt [VP6A, 14] ~ (to), put into ~ or right relationship: 也均衡; 使相称; 使成比例: Do you ~ your expenditure to your income? 你量入尽出吗? What a well-yed room! 多么相称调和的房间!~ - able /-/snsdl; -Janabl/ adj - ~al.




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