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单词 惺惺惜惺惺

惺惺惜惺惺xīng xīng xī xīng xīng

xing gorillas know gorillas - good fellows recognize good fellows;intelligent people like intelligence in others; like loves like; the wise appreciate one another; the astute spare the astute
❍ 又想: “宝姐姐不寄与别人,单寄与我,也是‘~’的意思。”(《红楼梦》1138) She reflected,“The fact that Cousin Baochai didn’t send these to anyone else,only to me,shows that we are kindred spirits.”/~,好汉话好汉。(《水浒全传》27)❶Intelligent people like intelligence in others,and so good folk recognize the good in others.
❷The astute spare the astute,and the brave know the brave.
❍ 机会主义者与反对派在 “~” 的情形之下,便结合起来了。(《周恩来选集》上—47) Thus the opportunists and the opposition fraction are united-birds of a feather.


like attracts like;the clever appreciate each other

惺惺惜惺惺xīnɡ xīnɡ xī xīnɡ xīnɡ

惺惺:指聪明人。聪明人爱惜聪明人。形容性格或才能相同的人互相爱惜。the wise appreciate one another, intelligent people like intelligence, Every like loves his like.





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