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单词 price
释义 price /prais; prais/ n 1 [C] sum of money for which sth is (to be) sold or bought; that which must be done, given or experienced to obtain or keep sth: 价格; 价钱; 代价: What ~ are you asking? 你要价多少? P~s are rising/falling/going up/ going down. 物价正上涨 (下跌) 。 I won't buy it at that ~. 我不会以那价钱买它的。 He sold the house at a good ~. 他以高价卖了那房子。 Loss of independence was a high ~ to pay for peace. 丧失独立来换取和平是一项重大的代价。 at a ~,at a fairly high price: 以高价: There's fresh asparagus in the shops—at a 店里有新鲜的岁笋,价钱奇高! Every man has his ~, can be bribed. 人人都可能受到利诱。 put a '~ on sb's head, offer a reward for his capture (dead or alive). 悬赏缉拿某人 (无论死活) 。 'asking ~,(for a house, etc) price stated by the vendor: 开亩; 初值: accept an offer of £200 below the asking ~. 接受低于初价二百镑的交易。 ' ~- control n control or fixing of ~s by authorities, manufacturers, etc. (由当局、厂商等所定的) 物价管制; 定价。 Hence, 由此产生, '~controlled adj. 限价的。 '~-list n list of current ~s of goods for sale. 定价表; 价目表。 'list-~ n ~ recommended by the manufacturer, etc but not always compulsory. 厂商等提供之价格; 报价; 定价。 2 [U] value; worth: 价値: a pearl of great ~. 极贵重的珍珠。 beyond/above/without ~, so valuable that buying is impossible. 非任何价钱所能购买的; 无价的; 极贵重的。 3 【 C] (betting) odds. (赌博) 赌注与赢款的差额。 What ~ ...7 (sl) (俚) a What is the chance of...?…的胜算如何?…的机会如何? b (used to sneer at the failure of sth) : (用以嘲笑某事物的失败): What ~ peace now? 和平现在有什么用? 'starting ~, odds offered by bookmakers as the race is about to start. 赛马将开始时赌业者所开出的赔钱的比例。 vf 1 [VP6A] fix, ask about, the ~ of sth; mark (goods) with a ~: 定…之 fli; 问 …之价; 以价格标明 (货物): All our goods are clearly ~d. 我们所有的货品都标明了价格。 2 ~ oneself/one's goods out of the market, (of manufacturers, producers) fix ~s so high that sales decline or stop. (指厂商、制造者) 定价过高以致销路减少或停顿。 ~y /'praisi; 'praisi/ adj (sl) expensive. (俚) 责的; 昂 it 的。 loss adj 1 too valuable to be ~d: 无价的; 极贵重的: ~less paintings. 极贵重的昼。 2 (sl) absurd: (俚) 荒 3! 的: a ~ /ess old fellow; 不像话的老像伙; very amusing: 非常有趣的: a ~ /ess joke. 极有趣的笑话。




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