单词 | which |
释义 | which /witf US: hwitf; hwitf/ interr adj (asking for selection from two, or from a group, esp from possibilities thought of as limited in number; → what) (要求从二者或一群,尤指从有限数目的可能性中,加以选择) 1 W ~ way shall we go — up the hill or along the river bank? 我们要走哪一条路 —— 是要爬这个斜坡呢,还是要沿着河岸走? ~ way (= How) shall we do it? 我们要怎么做(它) 呢?归 ~ Jones do you mean—Jones the baker or Jones the postman? 你说的是哪一位琼斯先生 —做面包师的琼斯,还是做邮差的琼斯? ~ foreign languages have you studied? 你已经学过疏几种外国语? Tell me ~ ones you want. 吿谅反哪几个是你所需要的。 2 (rel adj, formal, and rare except after a prep; preceded by a comma) and this; and these: (关系形容词,为正式用语,除置于介词之后外,不常使用; 前面须加逗号) 而这一个; 而这些个: I told him to go to a doctor, ~ advice he took, and this advice he took. 我吿诉他该去看整生,这个意见他采纳了。 Don't call between 1 o'clock and 2 o'clock, at ~ time I am usually having lunch. 不要在一点至两点之间来访,我通常在这段时间吃中饭。 interr pron ~ thing(s); ~ person(s): 何物; 何人; 何者; 哪(些)物; 哪(些)人: W ~ is taller, Mike or Steve? 谁比较高,是迈克还是史蒂夫? of the boys is the tallest? 这些男孩哪一个最高?附 ~ of you wish to go with me? 标们谁要同我一起去? Tell me ~ of them is better. 吿诉我,它们当中哪一个比较好。 Please advise me ~ to take. 请吿诉我该选择哪一个。 The twins are so much alike that / never know ~ is ~, ie I cannot distinguish one from the other. 这一对双胞胎太相像了,我分辨不出谁是谁。 rel pron (of things only, not of persons; 仅指事物,不指人; Uthat) 1 (in defining or restrictive clauses, often replaced by that; used with no selective meaning; no pause before the clause and not set off by commas) (在限定子句中常为 that 所代替; 不含选择意义; 在子句之前不停顿,也不用逗号分开) a (with the rel pron as the subject of the v in the clause): (以此关系代名词作子句中的动词的主词): Take the book ~ is lying on that table. 把桌子上的那本书拿去。 The house ~ is for sale is at the end of the street. 出售的房子在街的尽头。 The river ~ flows through London is called the Thames. 流过伦敦的那条河叫做泰晤士河。 b (with the rel pron as the object of the v in the clause; in spoken English usually suppressed): fruit. 这些苹果树是我三年前种的,尚未结过果实。 This desk, ~ / bought second-hand, is made of oak. 我买的这张二手货桌子,是橡木做的。 (Hi) (with the rel pron as the object of a prep): ( 以此关系代名词作为介词的宾语): His car, for ~ he paid £8000, is a five-seater saloon. 他花八千镑买的那汽车,是一部有长个座位的似车。 Their house, at ~ I have often stayed, is just outside Dorking. 他们的房子就在多金市郊外,我常住在那里。 b (in non-defining clauses that refer to a clause or sentence, not to a n): (在非限定子句中,指涉一个子句或句,而非指涉名词): It was raining hard, ~ (—and this) kept us indoors. 雨下得很大,把我们困在家里。 He said he had lost the book, ~ (=but this) was untrue. 他说 (以此关系代名词作子句中的动词的宾语; 在口语英文中,通常略去): Was the book (~) you were reading a novel? 你(刚才)我的那一本书是小说吗?(c) (with the rel pron as the object of a prep; when replaced by that, the prep follows the v; if ~ is used, the prep should .precede): (以此关系代名词作介词的宾语; 如换用 that, 介词须置于动词后; 如用 which, 介词该置于 which 前): The photographs at ~ you were looking/The photographs (that) you were looking at were all taken by my brother. 你(胃||才) 看的那些照片,全是我哥哥(弟弟)拍摄的。 The hotel at ~ we stayed/The hotel we stayed at was both cheap and comfortable. 我们住的那家旅馆,既便宜又舒服。 The book to ~ I wanted to refer/The book I wanted to refer to was not in the library. 我要参考的那本书,不在图书馆里。 The shop opposite -the car is parked is a grocer's. 对而停着汽车的那家店铺是一家杂货店。 2 (in non-defining or non-rcstrictive clauses, rare in the spoken language but common in the written language; ~ is not replaceable by that; the clause is preceded by a pause and is set off by commas) (用于非限定字句他把那本书遗失了,但这是不确实的。 (The clause may occasionally precede the sentence to ~ it refers): (这种子句偶而也可能置于它所指涉的句子之前): Moreover, ~ you may hardly believe, the examiners had decided in advance to fail half the candidates! 还有,你可能很难相信,主试人员事先已经决定要酵一半应考人! 中,讲话时很少用,书写文字中很普遍; which 不能用 that 代替; 子句前须稍作停顿,并须用逗号分开) a (referring to an antecedent n): (先行词为名词); (/) (with the rel pron as the subject of the clause): (以此关系代名词为子句的主词): This house, ~ is to be sold by auction next month, was built about fifty years ago. 这房子大约是五十年前造的,下个月要拍卖。 The meeting, ~ was held in the park, was attended by five hundred people. 那次集会是在公园里举行的,有五百人参加。 h (with the rel pron as the object of the v in the clause): (以此关系代名词作子句中动词的宾语): These apple-trees, ~ I planted three years ago, have not yet borne any |
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