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单词 press
释义 press2 /pres; pres/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 15B] push steadily against: 压; 按; 扣: ~ the trigger of a gun; 扣枪的扳机; ~ (down) the accelerator pedal (of a car); 踩 (下) (汽车的) 加速器踏板; ~ the button, eg of an electric bell. 按钮 (如按电铃) 。' ~-up n (pl ~-ups) exercise in which one stretches out face down on the floor, the arms being straightened and bent by ~ing against the floor with the palms of one's hands to raise and lower one's body, 伏地挺身 (运动) 。 '■~-stud csnap (5). 2 [VP6A, 15B, 22] use force or weight to get sth smooth or flat, to get sth into a smalle space, to get juice out of fruit, etc: 压平; 熨平; 金进较小的空间; 压紧; 抻出果汁 (等): ~ a suit/skirt, etc, with an iron, to remove creases, etc; (用熨斗) 跑平一套衣服 (一条裙子等); ~ grapes, when making wine; (制酒时) 压榨葡匐; ~ the juice out of an orange; 挤出宿子斗; ~ed beef, beef that has been boiled and pressed into shape for packing in tin boxes. (煮熟并压成某形状以便装罐的) 罐头牛肉; 牛肉干。 3 [VP6A, 15A, B] keep close to and attack; bear heavily on: 接近而攻食; 进逼: ~ the enemy hard, attack with determination; 进寻敌人; 果敢囊击敌人; ~ (home) an attack, carry it out with determination; 强袭; 紧见; ~ a point (in an argument, debate) home, (fig) obtain support, agreement, etc by a determined, articulate, speech; (喻) (在辩论中) 因坚决清晰的言辞而获得支持或赞成; hard ~ed, be under determined attack. 被紧攻; 被强袭。 4 ~ for, make repeated requests for; demand urgently: 反覆请求; 紧急要求: ~ for an inquiry into a question. 反覆要求调葢某一问题。 5 be ~ed for, have barely enough of: 缺少; 缺乏: ~ed for time / money / space. 缺少足锣的时间 (金钱,空间) 。 6 [VP2C] push, crowd, with weight or force: 用力推; 推屉; 拥挤: crowds ~ing against the barriers/ ~ing round the royal visitors. 向栅肠推挤 (拥挤在王室宾客周围) 的群众。 7 [VP3A, 4A, 14, 17] ~ (sb) for sth; ~ (sb) to do sth, urge; insist on: 敦促; 催促; 力劝; 坚持: ~ (sb) for an answer; 敦促 (某人) 作蓉; ~ sb for a debt/to pay a debt. 催促 UXZK., He did not need much ~ing. 他并不需要多加催逼。 They are ~ing for a decision to be made. 他有坚持食作一决定。 ~ sth on/upon sb, insist that sb takes it: 坚持要某人接受某事物: He ~ed the money on me, insisted on my accepting it. 他坚持要我接受那笔钱。 Don't ~ your opinions upon her, Don't insist that she should accept them, 不要逼她接受你的意见。 8 [VP2A] demand action or attention: 急迫; 亟需行动或注葬: The matter is ~ing, is urgent. 事情紧急。 9 Time ~ s. There is no time to lose. 时蔺紧迫。 10 [VP6A, 15A] squeeze (sb's hand, arm, etc) as a sign of affection or sympathy; draw (sb) to oneself in an embrace: 紧握 (某人之手、臂等,表示关切或同情); 拥抱: He ~ed her to his side. 他把她拥 . 向岑边。 11 [VP2C] ~ (down) on/upon sb, weigh; oppress: 使负重担; 压迫: His responsibilities ~ heavily upon him. 他的责任沉重地压在他身上。 The new taxes ~ed down heavily on the people. 新税使人民不胜负荷。 12 [VP2C] ~ on/forward (with sth), hurry, continue in a determined way: 加紧; 决心要继续:~。 with one's work. 加紧自 3 的工作。 It was getting dark, so the travellers ~ed forward. 天快黑了,因此旅客们尽快赶路。 ~ing 〃 one of .many identical gramophone records made from the same matrix: 同一模型做出来的许多唱片之一; 唱片: make and sell 10 000 ~ings of a symphony. 制造并销售一万张某交响乐的唱片。 adj 1 urgent; requiring immediate attention: 紧急的; 急迫的; 需要立即处理的:~施 business. 急事。 2 (of persons, their requests, etc) insistent: (指人、其要求等) 坚持的; 执拗的: a ~ing invitation; 恳切的邀请; as you are so ~,你既然这样坚持。 ~ingly adv




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