分析词义 "Eye" 是英语中一个常见的词,意思是“眼睛”。 列举例句 例如: - I can't believe my eyes.(我简直不敢相信我的眼睛。)
- Keep an eye on the baby while I'm out, please.(我出去的时候,请看一下宝宝。)
- She has a sharp eye for detail.(她察言观色的眼力很厉害。)
词根分析 Eye并非由词根衍生而来,它的原意就是眼睛。 词缀分析 Eye并无词缀。 发展历史和文化背景 “Eye”这个词源于古英语的ēage,与日耳曼语的词根有关,诸如古挪威语的auge或者德语的auge。 单词变形 - 单数形式:eye,意为“眼睛”
- 复数形式:eyes,意为“眼睛们”
同时,“eye”作为名词可搭配的词组有"keep one's eyes open," "with one's eyes open," 等。 记忆辅助 可以通过词组来记忆"eye", 比如 "an eye for an eye". 小故事 Once upon a time, there was a girl who had the most beautiful eyes in the land. Each morning, she would stand in front of the mirror and admire her own eyes' beauty. 从前,这里有一个女孩,她有这片大地上最美丽的眼睛。每天早上,她都会站在镜子前,欣赏自己眼睛的美丽。 |