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单词 both
both/bə ʊθ, AmE boʊθ/ det & pron

det 俩,双(the two; the one and the other )(接pl n):~(sb's)parents/twins/hands/arms/shoulders/legs/feet/eyes/ears双亲/胞胎/手/臂/肩/腿/脚/眼/耳(都……);~(the) sides/(the) ends of the street街道的两边/两头(都……);~(sb's/the/these)children/books/armies(某人的/这/这)两个孩子/两本书/两支军队(都……);

pron 两者,双方(the two; the one and the other (of...)):She has two sons:~live on her farm.她有两个儿子,他们都住在她的农场。B~(of his parents/the children) are strong.他的父母/那两个孩子都很强壮。His parents/The children are~strong.他的父母/那两个孩子都很强壮。She is afraid of them~.他们两个人她都怕。I love Tom and Jack~.(AmE) 汤姆和杰克俩人我都喜欢。I asked~(of them) to come.我请(他们)俩人都来。get angry with~(of the children)生俩个(小孩)的气;

both...and...不但……而且……: B~her kindness and her understanding were much appreciated.她的善良和明事理都大受赞誉。The prospects~excited and worried me.前景既使我激动也使我不安。The dangers threaten~men and women. 这些危险既威胁着男人也威胁着女人。The storm stripped the tree of~its foliage and its branches.风暴把树叶和树枝都刮掉了。She was ashamed~for herself and for Jackson.她为自己感到羞愧,也为杰克逊感到羞愧。~at home and abroad 国内外都;She was~glad and sorry to see him.她见到他时悲喜交集。

【惯用法】 1) both 用于两者(且仅两者),但两者皆可(或同时都)为复数,如:The storm damaged both the houses and the yachts. (风暴不仅毁坏了房屋,也毁坏了游艇。) 2) AmE中下面三种说法都对:both parents, both his parents, both of his parents;但BrE中,第三种较少用。第一、二种说法强调两者为一整体,第三种说法则是将两者视为单个个体分开来看。因此,两者互相依存或关联时,决不可用of,如:both ends/sides;3) 注意下面两句语义上的区别:Tom and Dick both bought a car. (俩人合买了一辆车) Tom and Dick each bought a car. (俩人各买了一辆车) 4) 有both的句中再用same,also,as well as,jointly,alike 和 equally之类强化词语是多余的,如:They both love the same girl. (应省去same或both) I both saw and also heard her. (应省去also) He's both rich as well as handsome. (应省去 both,或 as well as改为and)。






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