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单词 pour
释义 pour /Ro: (r); por/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 12B, 13B, 15A, B, 14] cause (a liquid or a substance that flows Hke a liquid) to flow in a continuous stream: 使 (液体或流动似液体之物)流动; 灌; 浇; 注; 倒: P ~ yourself another cup of tea. 你再密杯茶喝吧。 Please ~ a cup of tea for me, too. 请你也为我倒一杯茶。 He ~ed the coffee out of the saucepan into the jug. 他把咖啡从深平底锅倒进壶中。 (fig) (喻) He ~ed out his tale of misfortunes. 他倾诉自己的不幸遭遇。 The underground stations ~ thousands of workers into the streets between 8 and 9.30 each morning. 每日早晨八时至九时半之间,成千成万的工人从地下火车站出来到各街道去。 ~ cold water on sth, discourage (a person's plan, zeal or enthusiasm). 使沮丧; (对某人之计划或热心)浇冷水。 ~ oil on troubled waters, try to calm a disturbance or quarrel with soothing words. 调解争端。 2 [VP2C] flow in a continuous stream; come freely (out/off, etc)'. 流; 泻; 涌入; 涌出(与 out, off 等连用): The sweat was ~ing off him. 他汗流浃背。 Tourists ~ into London during the summer months. 在夏季游客涌入伦敦。 The crowds were ~ing out of the football ground. 群众正自足球场蜂涌而出。 Letters of complaint ~ed in. 抱怨的信件源源而来。 3 (of rain) come down heavily: (指亩)倾注: The rain ~ed down. 大雨倾盆而下。 It was a ~ing wet day. 那是一个大雨天。 It never rains but it ~s, a saying used when (usu unwelcome) things come or events happen in quick succession. 事情(通常指不利的事) 不发生则已,一发生就接二连三地来; 祸不单行。




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