释义 |
锦衣玉食jǐn yī yù shíbe elegantly dressed and feast on delicacies; have all the luxuries; live an extravagant life ❍ 世兄是~,无不遂心的,必是文章经济高出人上,所以老伯钟爱,……(《红楼梦》1472)You have all the luxuries you can desire while your literary talent and grasp of affairs must be outstanding,so naturally your father treasures you. ❍ 江南多年来没有兵燹之祸,大户兼并土地,经营商业,只知~,竞相奢侈,全不以国家的困难为念。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ —686)There was a time when the south had known peace for many years,but then powerful families started to annex land and engage in commerce,living in an extravagant and luxurious style,and ignoring all difficulties of state. 锦衣玉食jin yi yu shibrocades and delicacies—live an extravagant life 锦衣玉食jǐn yī yù shí锦衣:彩衣,华美的服装;玉食:比喻珍贵的食物。形容豪华、奢侈的生活。live an extravagant life, have all the luxuries, eat the fat of the land |