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单词 year
year/jɪ ə(r), jə:, AmE jɪr/ n

(1)年(period of 365 or 366 days the Earth takes to go once round the sunnow commonly divided into 12 calender months)[C]:a common/leap~平年/闰年;a solar/lunar~太阳年/阴历年;a tropical~回归年;the turn of the~一年之初;all the~round 一年到头;ring out the old~and ring in the new 敲钟送走旧年迎来新年;

(2)一年的时间(period of time equal to a year but beginning at a different time)[C]:a five-~forecast/plan 五年预测/计划; In a~'s time he'll be a doctor.再过一年他就是医生了。It's just a~since I went to university. 我上大学有整整一年时间了。 The incident happened two~s ago.那件事是两年前发生的。~by~年复一年;~after~一年又一年;~in,~out 年复一年;

(3)年份(calendar year specified usu by a number):this/last~今/去年;the~after the next 后年;in the~1977 在1977年;a good~for cheap eggs 鸡蛋价廉的好年头;in the~of our Lord 1358(fml)公元1358年;a calendar~历年;

(4)年龄(岁数)(age)[C,通常pl]:20~s old 20岁;begin to show one's~s 开始上年纪;a man in~s but a child in understanding 年老幼稚的人;look young for one's~s 看上去比实际年龄年轻;old beyond one's~s (见识、智力等)超出某人实际年龄;die in one's sixtieth~60岁死去;put/take~s on/off sb 使某人感到衰老/年轻;The boy seemed very mature for his~s.与其年龄相比,这个男孩似乎很成熟。

(5)数年(很久)(long time)[pl](infml):~s ago 多年前;work for~s 工作多年;The country went through~s of turmoil.这个国家经历了多年混乱。〖同〗period,time,era,cycle;

(6)卫星年(period of planet's revolution round the sun):Martian~is 867 of our days.火星年的时间相当于我们867天。





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