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单词 wrap
wrap/ræp/ v [-pp-]; n

v (1)包(裹)(pack or enfold or envelope)[T+nT+n+prep(in),T+n+adv(up),T+n+adv(up)+prep(in)]:offer to~the new shoes 主动包装新鞋;The food must be~ped so that all air is excluded. 食物必须密封包装,以使空气无法进入。Have you~ped Father's gift/the Christmas presents in pretty paper? 你用彩纸包好了给父亲的礼物/圣诞礼物了吗?~up one's lunch 包好午饭;~a book/a parcel (up) in brown paper 用褐色纸把书/包裹包起来;〖同〗enclose,pack,fold;〖反〗unwrap,open,undo;

(2)用……缠(围,包)(fold sth as protection)[T+n+prep(round/around/in),T+n+adv,尤pass]:~a rug(a)round the sick man's legs/a clean rag(a)round his arm 用毯子裹住那个病人的双腿/一小块干净的布缠住他的胳膊;W~a scarf(a)round your neck/a blanket(a)round the boy. 把围巾围在你的脖子上/用毯子把孩子裹起来。have a bandage~ped (a)round one's bleeding finger 用绷带包住流血的手指;A handkerchief was~ped (a)round his left hand/his ankle. 他的左手/脚腕用手绢裹着。~the child in a warm coat/in a blanket 把孩子用暖和的大衣/毯子裹起来;The baby was~ped in wool clothes/in a thick shawl. 婴儿用毛料衣服/厚围巾裹了起来。We were all sleeping in ditches~ped (up) in our great coats. 我们都裹着大衣睡在坑道里。My mother sat in front~ped (up) in a furry rug. 我的母亲围着皮毛毯子坐在屋前。〖同〗envelope,enfold,cloak;〖反〗uncover,expose,reveal;

(3)缠,绕(wind or bind)[I+adv]:The flag~ped around the pole. 旗子绕在了杆子上。〖同〗bind,wind;〖反〗unbind,unwind,undo;

be wrapped in 被笼罩(遮掩)着:The valley/skyscraper was~ped in a dense fog. 山谷/摩天大楼笼罩在浓雾之中。The event/whole business/transaction is~ped in mystery. 这次事件/整个事情/这次交易笼罩在神秘的气氛之中。

be wrapped up in 1)专注于……:be~ped up in one's own thoughts/work/business 专心思考/埋头工作/专心干事务;2)被……吸引:I got~ped up in the book. 我被那本书吸引住了。

wrap sb up in cotton wool 溺爱某人(infml): They keep all their children~ped up in cotton wool. 他们溺爱自己所有的孩子。

wrap up (v adv)1)安静点(vi)(sl):W~up,you boys. I can't hear myself think! 安静点儿,孩子们,你们吵得我无法思考了。2)住嘴(vt)(sl):W~it up,you lot,we've heard enough of your complaints. 闭嘴,你们这帮家伙,我们听够了你们的抱怨。3)穿暖和(vt):In this cold weather you must~yourself up. 在这寒冷的天气里,你一定要穿暖和。4)完成,结束(infml)(vt):The whole deal was~ped up within a few days. 整个交易几天内就完成了。

wrap up (in)(v adv)将……隐含起来(vt):~up the meaning in an allegory/in such obscure language/in a lot of pseudo-scientific jargon 将意思隐含在一个寓言/这样晦涩的语言/许多伪科学术语中;

→′wrapper n 包装材料;′wrapping n包装物(材料);

n罩在外面的物品(outer cover or garment)[C]:Take a~in case the weather turns cool. 带件外套以防天气转凉。You should wear a warm~with that thin evening dress. 你应该在那件薄晚礼服外边套一件暖和的外衣。Shawls,scarves,coats and furs are~s. 披肩、围巾、外套和裘衣是外衣。

under wraps 保密;隐藏(infml):These files should stay/be kept under~s for certain time. 这些档案应在一定的时间内保密。keep one's emotions under~s 不表露自己的感情





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