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Ⅰ ❶ (次序) order; sequence: 程 ~ procedure; 井然有 ~ in perfect order; 顺 ~ sequence; 以年代为 ~ in chronological sequence [order]; 以字母为 ~ in alphabetical sequence [order]
❷ (序文) preface: 原 ~ the original preface; 这本书有作者的自 ~。 This book has a preface written by the author.
❸ (古代由地方举办的学校) a type of local school in ancient times
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 点 Xu Dian Ⅱ (排次序) arrange in order: ~ 齿 [书] arrange (seats, etc.) in order of age Ⅲ (开头的; 在正式内容以前的) introductory; initial: ~ 战 initial battle
◆序跋 preface and postscript; 序号 order number; 序列 order; alignment; array; succession; suite; {数} {计} sequence; 序论 prodromes; 序幕 prologue; prelude; 序目 preface and contents; 序曲 overture; introduction; prelude; 序诗 prologue; 序时记录 books of original entry; 序时帐薄 book of original entry; 序数 ordinal; ordinal number; 序文 preface; foreword; 序言 introduction; preface; foreword; exordium; 序战 initial battle; 序奏 prelude





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