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单词 wood
wood/wʊd/ n

(1)木(材,头)(hard substance of a tree)[U]: a piece/block of~一块/大块木头;He cut it against the grain of the~. 他顺着木纹将木头劈开。There are many kinds of~growing in this forest. 这片森林生长着各种木材。dead~枯木;(fig) 无用之人或物; He said nothing and sawed~.(fig) 他什么也没说,只管干自己的事。

(2)木(柴)(substance used for making furniture or burningetc)[U]: seasoned/kindling~晒干的木料/引火用的柴火;~for fuel 做燃料的木柴; an armful of~一抱木柴; The box is made of~. 盒子是用木头做的。Put/Throw more~on the fire. 往火里再添点儿柴。burn~into charcoal 把木柴烧成炭; bundle/gather/collect~捆/拾/捡柴; chop/cut/split~劈柴; a polished~floor 光亮的木地板;~panelling 木板材; a~chair/table/screw/saw 木椅子/桌子/螺丝/锯; a~fire/stove 烧木头的火/火炉;〖同〗timber,board,log,firewood;

(3)某种木材(specific kind of this)[C]:The room was panelled in the finest~s. 这屋子装饰着上好的镶嵌板。Teak(Ebony)is a hard/attractive-looking~. 柚木(乌木)是坚硬/观赏型的木材。Oak is a good~for making furniture. 橡木是制作家具的好材料。a fragrant/hard/soft~香/硬/软木;〖同〗lumber,timber,board;

(4)树林(place where trees grow thicklysmaller than a forest)[C,通常pl]: a beech~山毛榉林子;We went for a ride/a walk in the~(s). 我们到林中去骑马/散步。They walked/rode through the~s towards the main road. 他们步行/骑马穿过树林向大路走去。beat the~s 在树林中驱出猎物;The cabin was in a clearing in the~s. 小屋建在林中一片空地上。The hill was covered with thick~s. 小山覆盖着茂密的树林。take to the~s (AmE) 逃避到树林丛中;〖同〗forest,woodland;〖反〗desert,clearing;

(5)顶部为木制的高尔夫球棒 (golf-club with a wooden head)[C]:Use a~for this shot. 这次用木头球棒击球。

from the wood/in wood 从/在木桶里:The wine had had forty years in~before bottling. 这酒装瓶前在木桶里存了40年。sherry/beer drawn from the~从木桶里取出的雪利酒/啤酒;

not see/fail to see the wood for the trees 见树不见林: We are in danger of not seeing the~for the trees. 我们有只见树不见林的危险。

touch/knock on wood 走运(infml):The children have not got ill this winter,touch~. 今年冬天孩子们没有得病,但愿老走这种好运。

out of the wood(s) 没有麻烦或困难(infml): Things are looking up, but we're not yet out of the~s. 情况正在好转,但我们并未摆脱困境。

→′wood-block adj木版的;′woodborer n 木蛀虫;钻木器;′wood-carver n 木刻家;′woodchopper n 伐木工;′woodcock n 丘鹬;′woodcraft n(猎人等的)森林知识;′woodcraftsman n 木工,木雕艺人;′woodcut n 木板画;′woodcutter n 雕木者;伐木工;′woodcutting adj 木刻的;伐木的;′wooded adj长满树木的;′wooden adj 木制的;′woodland n 林地;′woodman,(尤AmE)′woodsman n 护林人;伐木工;′woodpecker n 啄木鸟;′wood-pulp n木浆;′wood-shed n 木料间,柴间;′woodwind n 木管乐器;′wood-wool n 木绒,刨花;′woodwork n 木制品;′woodworm n 蛀木虫;′woody adj 长满树木的;′woodyard n 堆木场,锯木场





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