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单词 wonder
wonder/′wʌndə(r)/ nv [-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)惊叹(愕,异)(feeling of strangeness or surprise)[U]: be filled with~at the sight 见此情景惊叹不已; a look of~on sb's face 某人的脸上露出惊奇的神态; gaze on/look at sth in~惊奇地注视/看着某物; stare with~at.../stare惊奇地瞪着……; excite/feel~引起/感到惊奇;〖同〗amazement,astonishment,wonderment,fascination;〖反〗unconcern,indifference,boredom;

(2)令人惊奇的人或事,奇迹(观)(sb or sth that cause this feeling)[C]: one of the natural~s 自然奇景之一; the~s of modern medicine/modern science/space travel 现代医学/现代科学/太空旅行的奇迹; the seven~s of the world 世界七大奇观; a~drug/cure特效药/疗法; a~horse/boy神马/童; It is a~of delicate workmanship. 这是手艺精巧的珍品。He's a boy/college~of the school. 他是学校的神童/奇才。What a~he is! 他是多么了不起的人! What a~! 真令人惊奇!W~of~s! 奇中之奇!The decision of one age or country is a~to another. 一个时代或一个国家做出的决定往往让另一时代或另一国家的人意想不到。The~is that the computer is being developed so fast. 真想不到计算机发展如此之快。Alasts but nine days.(prov) 什么事情都新鲜不了多久。 Ws will never cease.(prov)无奇不有。〖同〗marvel,miracle,spectacle,sight;〖反〗commonplace;

do/perform/work wonders 创造奇迹:This washing powder works/does~s on greasy marks. 这种洗衣粉对油污有奇效。The doctor has done~s for my broken leg. 医生奇迹般地治好了我的断腿。

for a wonder 出乎意料,令人惊奇:For a~,he paid all his debts in such a short time. 真想不到他在这么短的时间里就偿还了所有债务。

It's a wonder that... 令人惊奇的是……: It's a~that she recognised me after all these years/that you are still alive. 过了这么多年她居然还能认出我来/你居然还活着,真让人惊奇。

no/little/small wonder that ... 难怪:No~he is upset. 难怪他坐立不安。Little~she is so angry with me. 她对我这么恼火并不奇怪。

→′wonderful adj 令人惊奇的,极好的;′wonderfully adv 令人惊奇赞叹地;′wonderland n 奇境,仙境;

v(1)感到惊奇(讶)(be surprised)[II+prep(at),I+to-infT+that](fml):The man stood~ing before the ancient temple. 那个人惊奇地站在古庙前。~at sb's allowing his son to do such a thing/sb's refusing to marry the beautiful girl 对某人竟然允许他儿子做这种事/拒绝和那位漂亮的姑娘结婚感到吃惊;~at sb's perennial youthfulness/sb's ignorance/sb's rudeness 对某人的青春永驻/愚昧/粗暴感到惊讶; It is not to be~ed at that she left home. (The fact that she left home is not to be~ed at.) 她离家出走不足为奇。~to hear sb's voice in the next room/to see sb here 听到隔壁传出某人的声音/看见某人在这儿感到十分惊讶;~that he dares to show his face again after what happened 发生了那样的事他居然还敢露面,真让人惊讶不已;〖同〗marvel,stare;

(2)表示奇怪,纳闷(express doubt or think about what might be)[II+prep(about)]:Tom says he didn't do it,but I still~. 汤姆说不是他干的,但我仍有所怀疑。begin to~about sb's motives/sb's next move 开始怀疑某人的动机/下一步行动;~about the future of the world/sb's reason for doing sth 对世界的前途/某人做某事的理由感到迷惑不解;〖同〗doubt;〖反〗know,comprehend,understand,perceive;

(3)想知道(express a wish to know)[T+whT+wh-inf]:~what really happened/who he is/why the train is late again/where that path leads to/how he came to miss the way 想知道究竟发生了什么事情/他是谁/火车为什么又晚点了/这条路通向哪里/他怎么迷的路;~what to wear today/where to go this year/how to do it 想知道今天穿什么/今年去哪里/怎样做这件事;I~if/whether you could... 请问您是否可以……〖同〗know,understand;

I shouldn't wonder 我觉得不足为奇(infml):I shouldn't~if she got into trouble/it rained before night. 假如她遇到麻烦/天黑前下雨,我觉得不足为奇。

→′wonderingly adv 惊奇地;′wonderment n 惊喜





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