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单词 wind
wind2/waɪnd/ v woundwound/waʊnd/]; n

v (1)(使)弯曲(蜿蜒)向前(follow a direction on a curving or twisting course)[II+prepI+advT+n+prepT+n+adv]:a~ing road/river 弯弯曲曲的路/河流;The stream~s through the woods/the forest/the valley. 小溪蜿蜒地穿过树丛/森林/山谷。The road~s along the lake/up the mountain/down the hill. 路绕着湖边蜿蜒伸展/顺山蜿蜒而上/顺山丘蜿蜒而下。The new highway~s around the mountain. 那条新公路绕山盘旋。~one's way through the crowds/up the hill 绕来绕去穿过人群/上山; The river~s down to the sea. 这条河蜿蜒流向大海。〖同〗curve,twist,zigzag;

(2)缠(盘)绕(make into a ball or twisted shape)[T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:Will you~the wool for me? 你替我缠毛线好吗?~the thread onto a reel/the rope onto a pole/the silk onto a bobbin 把线缠绕在线轴/绳子缠绕在柱子/丝线缠绕在纱管上;~the thread off the bobbin 把纱管上的线绕下来;~wool/yarn (up) into a ball 把毛线/纱线缠成团;〖同〗coil,twist,loop,twirl;

(3)裹(围)紧,缠(绕)住(place sth round sth closely) [T+n+prep(round/in)]: ~a piece of cloth round the wounded arm 用布裹紧受伤的胳膊;He wound a bandage round his arm (His arm was wound with bandage). 他用绷带缠住胳膊。~a scarf round one's neck/a towel round one's head 用围巾围住脖子/毛巾包住头;~a shawl round the baby/the baby in a shawl 用围巾裹住婴儿;The mother wound her arms about the child/the child in her arms. 母亲把孩子搂在怀里。The tape wound itself round the wheel. 磁带缠绕在磁带轮上。~sb's waist with ribbons 把缎带佩带在腰间;〖同〗twist,curl,loop,fold,roll;

(4)转动(turn sth round and round)[T+n]:~the handle 转动这个把手;~the bucket out of the well 把水桶从井里摇上来;~the pail to the top of the well 把桶摇到井口;~a tape back/forward/on 把磁带向后/前/继续倒;~the film back a few frames 把电影胶片倒回几个画面;~the tape to the beginning 把带子倒到头儿;~down/up the car window 把汽车窗户摇下去/上来;~in a fishing line 把鱼线绕回;〖同〗turn;

(5)上发条(tighten the working parts by turning)[T+nT+n+adv(up)]:~a clock(up)给钟上发条;Have you wound your watch up? 你的表上发条了吗?

wind sth around/round one's little finger 使听从自己摆布:He knows well he can~his wife round his finger. 他十分清楚他能摆布他的妻子。

wind one's way/oneself into 巧妙地获取:The secretary wound her way (herself) into her boss's affection/confidence. 秘书用巧妙的手段获取了老板的好感/信任。

wind down (v adv) 1)松弛(vi):We went to the local pub to~down. 我们去当地一家酒吧轻松了一下。2)完结(vt):The company is~ing down its business in Hong Kong. 公司结束了在香港的业务。

wind up (v adv) 1)最终,结束(vt & vi)(infml): Before I~up,there are two more things to be said. 在我结束讲话之前,还有两件事要说。Let's~up the discussion/the game. 让我们结束这次讨论/游戏。2)安顿(vi): We wound up at a small inn. 我们在一家小客店落脚。3)清理业务并关闭(vt): The company has wound up its affairs. 这家公司清理结束了业务。4)使某人兴奋、振奋或紧张(vt): He was wound up before the game/to a high pitch of excitement. 比赛前他十分紧张/极其兴奋。be wound up about one's exams 某人对考试感到非常紧张;

→′winder n 旋杆(柄);′winding-sheet n 裹尸布;′wind-up n (infml) 故意激怒某人;

n(1)转弯处,转动(bend or turn)[C]:There are many~s in this road. 这条路上有很多弯道。Give the handle a few more~s. 把手柄多转几圈。〖同〗turning,winding;〖反〗unturning,unwinding;

(2)上发条(turn of the spring of a clock)[C]:Give the clock another couple of~s. 给这座钟再上两圈发条。





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