释义 |
不干不净bù gān bù jìngfilthy; foul; unclean/……至少先使你惹一身~。(鲁迅《且介亭杂文·论“旧形式的采用”》15)…or at the very least bespattering him with mud. ❍ 那些~的话,是谁说的?(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—50) Who used foul language?/用她帮忙还可以,祭祀的时候可用不着她沾手,一切饭菜,只好自己做,否则,~,祖宗是不吃的。(鲁迅《彷徨·祝福》14)Thus although it would be all right for her to do ordinary work she must not join in the preparations for sacrifice;they would have to prepare all the dishes themselves,for otherwise they would be unclean and the ancestors would not accept them. 不干不净bù ɡān bù jìnɡ形容不清洁。unclean, filthy, foul, dirty |