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单词 whistle
whistle/′wɪsl/ nv [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)口哨(鸟叫,汽笛)声(clear shrill sound or similar sound produced by a birdmachine etc)[C]:the~of a steam engine/a kettle/the wind 蒸汽机车的汽笛声/水壶的叫声/风的嗖嗖声; the blackbird's~黑鹂的鸣叫声;(sb) be greeted with/receive a smattering of applause and a few~s (某人)受到稀稀拉拉的掌声和口哨声的欢迎; give (let out) a loud/low~吹出(发出)响亮/低沉的口哨声; give a warning~鸣笛示警; call by a~用哨声呼唤; hear a piercing~听到一声刺耳的汽笛声; Her excellent performance inspired admiring~s. 她的精彩表演激起了赞赏的口哨声。

(2)哨子,汽(警)笛(simple instrument used to produce a clear shrill sound)[C]: a factory/boat/police~工厂汽笛/船上的汽笛/警笛; play a penny-~吹小孔锡笛; sound a steam~拉响汽笛;The train~blows. 火车汽笛鸣叫。The referee blew his~at the end of the game. 裁判在比赛结束时吹响了哨子。The policeman blew his~as the thief ran away. 警察在小偷逃跑时吹响了哨子。By thrilling blasts on his~,the policeman stopped all the traffic. 随着警察一阵响亮的哨声,所有的交通都停止了。I really want to wet my~with you.(fig) 我真想跟你喝一盅。

blow the whistle on 1)阻止:Your father will blow the~on what you're doing. 你父亲会阻止你干你正在干的事情。2)揭发(infml): The robber blew the~on his confederate. 抢劫犯供出了他的同伙。

v(1)吹口哨,鸣笛(叫)(produce the sound of a whistle)[II+prepI+adv]:The boy ran happily home,~ing gaily. 男孩欢快地吹着哨子,高高兴兴地跑回家去。The policeman~d for the automobile to stop. 警察鸣笛让汽车停下来。The birds were~ing in the forest. 鸟儿在树林中婉转鸣叫。The electric kettle/tea-kettle~s when it boils. 电壶/茶壶水烧开时发出鸣叫声。The train~d as it approached the tunnel. 火车接近隧道时鸣响汽笛。~away merrily 愉快地吹着哨子跑开;

(2)吹出曲调(make a tune in this way)[T+n]:He~d a happy tune on his penny~. 他用他的小孔锡笛吹奏了一支欢快的曲子。

(3)用口哨或汽笛发信号(make a signal in this way)[I+prepT+n+prepT+n+advD+n+prepD+prep(to)+n+to-inf]:The referee~d for the end of the match. 裁判鸣笛宣告比赛结束。~to (for) a dog 吹口哨唤狗; He~d to attract my attention. 他吹口哨以引起我的注意。He~d an air very softly to himself. 他独自轻轻地吹着小调。The policeman~d the driver to a halt. 警察鸣笛叫司机停下来。The football fans~d off the players. 足球迷们吹口哨嘘走球员。I can~a taxi up for you. 我可以给你叫辆出租车。~a waiter over to one's table 吹口哨叫服务员到桌前来; The shepherd~d his sheep/his dog back. 牧羊人吹口哨唤羊/狗回来。~to the driver to stop 吹口哨叫司机停车; He~d me to come in. 他吹口哨让我进来。

(4)嗖嗖地迅速移动(make a swift movement with a noise like a whistle)[II+prepI+adv]:The air came~ing out of the hole. 洞中嗖嗖地冒出气来。The bullets~d past our heads. 子弹嗖嗖地从我们的头上掠过。The arrows~d past their ears. 箭嗖嗖地从他们耳旁掠过。The wind was~ing in the trees/in the chimney. 风在树林中呼呼地刮着/在烟囱里呼呼地响。The wind was~ing through a crack in the door/round him. 风从门的裂缝中呼呼地刮了进来/在他周围嗖嗖地刮着。The wind~ing in across the lake blew my papers away. 从湖上嗖嗖刮过来的风把我的文件吹跑了。

whistle in the dark 假装不怕,壮胆:Tom said he could fight against that tough man,but we knew he was just~ing in the dark. 汤姆说他能打败那个壮汉,但是我们明白他在硬充好汉。

whistle away (v adv) 驱走(vt):We were~ing away fear when walking on a dark road. 走黑路时,我们吹着口哨驱走恐惧。

whistle for (v prep)徒然指望某事(vt)(infml): He did a sloppy job so he can~for his money. 他工作马马虎虎,想要工资是无指望了。

whistle up (v adv) 拼凑(vt): He~d up some new ideas for his lecture. 他给他的讲座拼凑了一些新概念。

→′whistle-stop n (AmE) 小火车站;(竞选活动中的)短暂停留





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