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单词 penalty
释义 penalty /'penlti; 'penhi/ n (pl -ties) 1 [U] punishment for wrongdoing, for failure to obey rules or keep an agreement; [C] what is imposed (imprisonment, payment of a fine, etc) as punishment; (fig) suffering which a wrongdoer brings upon himself or others: 惩罚; 刑罚; 处罚(如服刑、罚款等); (喻)报应: Spitting forbidden. ~ £5. 禁止吐痰: 违者罚款五镑。 The ~ (eg in a business agreement) for non-performance of contract is heavy. 不履行契约的罚款很重。 '~ clause, (comm) clause in a contract requiring payment for breaking it. (商)合约中违约罚款之峡款; 罚款规定。 on/ under ~ of (death, etc), with (death, etc) as the ~:违者处(死刑等) forbidden under ~ of death. 违者处以死刑的; 以死刑严禁的。 2 (in sport, competitions, etc) disadvantage to which a player or team must submit for breaking a rule: (运动、 竞赛等)犯规的处罚: The referee awarded a ~. 裁判贝判府球。 area, (football) part of the ground in f ront of the gpal where a breach of the rules by defenders gives the opposing team the right to a free kick (a '~ kick) at the goal. (足球) 罚球区(如守方球员在此区内犯规,则应由对方罚十二码球 a penalty kick) e 3 handicap imposed upon a player or team for winning a previous contest. (对上次比赛中获胜者或 MDK 给予的)困难; 障碍。




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