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单词 while
while2/waɪl/ conj

(1)在(当)……的时候(when): Never get on or off a bus~it is in motion. 汽车开动的时候千万不要上下车。They arrived~we were having dinner. 我们正吃饭的时候,他们到了。He fell asleep~(he was) doing his homework. 他做着做着功课就睡着了。W~(I was) in Russia, I learned Russian. 我是在俄国的时候学的俄语。W~at home,he always watches TV. 在家的时候他总是看电视。W~yet a youth, he gained the first prize in English contest. 他年轻的时候就获得过英语竞赛的第一名。He retained the consciousness of it~asleep. 他在睡梦中对那件事仍念念不忘。〖同〗when;

(2)与……同时(at the same time as):The children were making a snow man outside~the adults were sitting around the fire. 孩子们在外面堆雪人,大人们在烤火。W~you are sorting your things upstairs,I'll wait downstairs. 你在楼上整理东西时,我在楼下等候。He listened to music~doing his homework/driving. 他一边听音乐,一边做功课/开车。

(3)而(but): Some people waste food~others are starving. 有的人浪费粮食,而有的人却在挨饿。Chinese like tea~western people prefer coffee. 中国人喜欢喝茶,而西方人则更喜欢喝咖啡。Wood is a natural material,~glass is a manufactured material. 木头是天然材料,而玻璃是人造材料。〖同〗but,though,although;

(4)虽然(although) (fml): W~we have different tastes in music, we are still good friends. 虽然我们的音乐爱好不同,但我们仍是好朋友。W~the old man felt sympathy for me, he thought he could not give me much help. 虽然这位老人同情我,但他认为他无法给我太多的帮助。〖同〗although,though,but





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