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单词 peck
释义 peck2 /pek; pek/ vi, vt 1 [VP2A, C, 3A, 6A] ~ (at), (try to) str 汰 e with the beak: 以喙啄: hens ~ing at the corn; 啄食谷粒的母鸡; cocks ~ing (at) the hens; 啄母鸡的公鸡; (colloq) (俗) ~ at one's food, (of a person) eat only small bits of food; eat without appetite. (指人) 只吃少量食物; 吃东西没有胃口。 '~ing order, order (within a flock of poultry) in which each bird submits to ~ing and domination by stronger birds and itself ~s and dominates weaker birds; any similar arrangement in a group of human beings: (—群家禽中,强者啄欺弱者的) 强弱顺序; (一群人中) 强弱的顺序: Poor Tom! He's at the bottom of the ~ing order, is dominated by all the members of his group. 可怜的汤姆! 他是他们那群人中最受气的一个。 2 [VP6A] get or make by striking with the beak: 啄食; 啄到; 啄成: ~ corn. 啄食谷粒 The hens ~ed a hole in the sack. 母鸡在袋上啄了一个洞。 3 (colloq) kiss hurriedly from habit or a sense of duty rather than from affection. (俗) 匆忙而敷衍地吻。 n 1 stroke with the beak; mark made by this. 啄击; 啄痕。 2 (colloq) hurried, unemotional kiss. (俗) 匆忙而敷衍的吻。 ~r n (GB sl) human nose; (fig) courage; spirits. (英俚) (人的) 鼻子; (喻) 勇气; 精神。 ,koep your '~er up, stay cheerful; don't let your spirits droop, 保持愉快; 打起精神来。 ~/-if; -ij/ adj (colloq) hungry. (U)饥饿的。




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