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单词 where
where/weə(r), AmE wer/ adv & conj

adv (1)哪里(儿),什么地方(in or to what place)(作疑问副词):W~does he come from/live? 他来自/住在什么地方? W~did you get the book/the ticket/the money? 你从哪儿得到的这本书/这张票/这些钱? W~on earth/in the world is he? 他究竟在哪儿? “I want you to show me around.”“W~to?”“我想让你领我转转。”“去哪儿?” W~does this affect us? 它在哪方面对我们有影响? W~does this machine go wrong? 这台机器哪儿出毛病了? W~will all this trouble lead to? 这麻烦到底会引起什么结果呢? Ask him~to go for our holidays. 问问他我们到什么地方去度假? What I want to know is~to start. 我想知道的是从哪儿开始。

(2)在那儿(in or at which)(作关系副词):This is the town/the place~I was born. 这是我出生的小镇/地方。Start at the point~you left off. 从你停止的地方开始。We are in a position~we may encounter a lot of difficulties.(fig) 我们正处于一个也许会遇到许多困难的境地。The man works in town,~he goes daily in a train. 这个人在城里工作,他每天坐火车去那里上班。We climbed up to the tower, from~we had a good view of the whole city. 我们登上了塔,从那儿我们尽览全城的景色。That's~the battle took place/the boat docks. 这就是战斗发生/船停泊的地方。That's~we differ/you're wrong. 这就是我们的分歧/你的错误所在。

conj 在……的地方(in or at the place in which): go~you like/want 去你喜欢/想要去的地方; Keep staying~you are. 待在原地别动。Take him~it's quiet. 把他带到安静的地方。The thread breaks~it's weakest. 线在最细的地方断了。It is your fault that she is~she is. 她落到这个地步全是你的错。W~bees are, there is honey. 哪里有蜜蜂哪里就有蜂蜜。Some people prefer wealth,~others health. 有人喜欢财富,而有人则喜欢健康。W~there's smoke, there's fire. 无风不起浪。

→′whereabouts adv 哪里;n 下落;where′as conj 然而,既然;鉴于;where′by adv 借以(fml);′wherefore adv 为此;where′from adv 来自于;where′in adv 其中,在哪方面(fml);where′into adv 位于其中;where′of adv 关于;where′to adv 至某地;为什么;where′under adv 在下;where′upon conj 于是;where′with adv 用于什么





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