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单词 龇牙咧嘴

龇牙咧嘴嗞牙咧嘴;呲牙咧嘴zī yá liě zuǐ

❶contort one’s face in agony; grimace in pain;
❷look fierce; show one’s teeth (in a big grin)
❍ 他倒是经过土改,解了点心头之恨; 而姚士杰则更仇恨他了,其所以不敢向他呲牙咧嘴,仅仅因为他这阵站在好汉台上。(柳青《创业史》213) Land reform had given Zhenshan a bit of solace,but it had made Yao hate him all the more. The sole reason why Yao hadn’t dared to bare his fangs at them was because Zhenshan’s position had been just.
❍ 两旁的十八罗汉,缺眼的,断臂的,倒塌的,呲牙咧嘴,格外凄凉可怕。(徐光耀《平原烈火》30) Along the walls sat idols of the Eighteen Disciples—missing feet,lacking eyes,arms in stumps,overturned,grinning toothlessly—all in all,a fearsome sight.
❍ 饭野呲牙咧嘴的笑着,迎接一伙人,到了客厅里。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》191) Showing all his teeth in a big grin,Iino led the guests into the reception room.

龇牙咧嘴zi ya lie zui

show one’s teeth

龇牙咧嘴zī yá liě zuǐ

龇:露出。露出牙咧着嘴。形容面貌凶恶或疼痛难忍的样子。look fierce, grimace in pain, show one’s teeth, grinningly





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