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单词 pass
释义 pass1 /pa: s US: paes; paes/ n 1 success in an examination, esp (in university degree examinations) success in satisfying the examiners but without distinction or honours1 (7) : 考试及格; 考试通过 (尤指大学学位考试达到及格标准,但并无特别优异的成绩): get a ~; 及格; a '~ degree. 达到及格标准的学位。 2 come to/reach a pretty/sad/ strange, etc ~, reach such a state or condition. 遭遇困难; 陷入困境。 3 bring to ~, accomplish, carry out, 完成; 实行。 come to ~, happen: 发生: How exactly did that come to ~? 那备到底足: 冬么发生的? 4 (paper, ticket, etc giving) permission or authority to travel, enter a building, occupy a seat in a cinema, etc: 通行或出入许可; 通行证; 入场券: a free ~, ticket giving free travel on the railways, etc. (如火车之) 免费乘车证; 免票证。 All ~es to be shown at the barrier, eg in a station. 所有通行证都要在 (车站等的) 栅口出示。 No admittance without a ~. 没有通行证不淮进入 ~-book below. 参看下列之 pass-bxjk0 5 act of kicking, throwing, or hitting the ball from one player to another player (of the same team): 传球 (给本队的队员): a clever ~ to the forward. 给前锋的一个妙传。 6 movement of the hand over or in front of sth (as in conjuring or juggling, or in mesmerism). 手在某种东西上面或前面的动作 (如玩魔术、变戏法或行催眠术时手的动作) 。 7 forward movement, blow (in fencing, etc). (击剑等之) 刺; 戳。 make a — at sb, (sl) make (possibly unwelcome) amorous advances, (ffl) 向 (某人) 做出非礼的馨动。 8 narrow way over or through mountains; such a way viewed as the entrance to a country. 山间隘路派路; 进入一个国家的通路。 → the illus at mountain. 参 K mountain 之插图。 hold the ~, (fig) defend a cause. (喻) 捍卫某一目标 (主义或运动) 。 sell th ~ (fig) betray a cause; yield up a position, (喻) 背叛某一目标 (主义或运动); 放弃立扬。 9 (card games) act of passing ”纸牌戡) 放弃出牌或叫牌。 → pass1 (15). 、 10 (compounds) (赤合字) '~-book n a book supplied by a bank to a customer with records of his account.. 银仅存折。 b (S Africa) booklet, document, allowing a black African person to be in a certain area. (南非) (准许非洲黑人在某地居留的) 小册子,证明文件,'~ 5 n private key to a gate, etc; key which opens a number of locks; master key. 大门钥匙; (能开启若干锁的) 总钥匙; 万能钥匙。 '~-word n secret word or phrase which enables a person to be recognized as a friend by sentries: (哨兵等借以辨别敌友的) 口令; 密语: give/ demand the —word. 答 (问) 口令。




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