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(构词成分): ~~ 黑 [- mɑ hēi] [方] (天快黑或刚黑) (it is) dusk; ~~ 亮 [- mɑ liànɡ] [方] (天刚有些亮) (it is) just dawning; (day is) just beginning to break
另见 see also má。



Ⅰ ❶ {植} (麻类植物的统称) a general term for hemp, flax, jute, etc.
❷ (麻类植物的纤维) fibre; hemp; flax; jute: 这块料子是 ~ 的。 This material is linen.
❸ (芝麻) sesame: ~ 糖 sesame candy
❹ {医} (麻醉法) anaesthesia: 局 ~ local anaesthesia; 针 ~ acupuncture anaesthesia
❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 良 Ma Liang Ⅱ (感觉麻木) numb; tingle: 手发 ~ have a tingle in one's hands; 腿压 ~ 了。 Something has been pressing on my leg and it tingles. 舌头发 ~。 My tongue is tingling. Ⅲ ❶ (表面不平; 不光滑) rough ; coarse: ~ 边书 a book with rough edges; 有一种墙面是 ~ 的, 据说可以吸音。 There is a kind of rough wall surface, which is said to be sound-absorbing.
❷ (带细碎斑点的) pockmarked; pitted; spotted: ~ 脸 a pockmarked face; ~ 蝇 a kind of housefly
另见 see also mā。
◆麻包 gunny-bag; gunnysack; sack; 麻[痳]痹 paralysis; paralyzation; palsy; benumb; lull; blunt; lower one's guard; slacken one's vigilance; 麻痹性 {医} paralytic; paralysis; 麻布 gunny (cloth); sackcloth; burlap; hessian; linen; 麻袋 gunny-bag; gunnysack; sack; jute bag; 麻捣 [书] hemp; hair; 麻刀 {建} hemp; hair; 麻点 mechanical pitting; mottling; pock; ripple marking; burn; 麻烦 troublesome; inconvenient; put sb. to trouble; trouble sb.; bother; put out; put about; 麻烦事 disagreeables; a troublesome business; 麻纺 bast fibre spinning; bast fibre system processing ; 麻风 {医} lepra; sutho; leprosy; 麻风病 lepriasis; [南美] gaferia; 麻风村 leprosy hospital; 麻花 fried dough twist; [方] (of dress, pants) worn smooth and shining; 麻花钻 {机} fluted twist drill; twist-drill; auger-bit; double worm screw; milled twist drill; 麻黄 {植} Ephedra sinica; mahuang; Chinese ephedra; herba ephedrae; 麻将 mahjong; 麻将牌 mahjong tiles; 麻酱 sesame paste; 麻利 quick and neat; dexterous; deft; quick-witted; agile; 麻脸 pockmarked face; 麻面 pitted skin ; pitting surface; skim; spongy surface; 麻木 numb; apathetic; insensitive; anaesthesia; benumbedness; numbness; stupefaction; 麻木不仁 be petrified; benumbed and unresponsive; dead [lost] to all feeling; hardened; indifferent and apathetic; inert; insensitive; lethargy; unfeeling; unconcerned; unsympa ̄ thetic; 麻雀 sparrow; passer montanus; 麻雀虽小, 五脏[肝胆]俱全 Small as the sparrow is, it possesses all its internal organs — small but complete.; 麻纱 yarn of ramie, flax, etc.; cambric; grass lawn; haircords; dimity; 麻绳 rope made of hemp, flax, jute, etc.; 麻省理工学院 [美] Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT); 麻线 flaxen thread; linen thread; 麻药 anaesthetic; 麻衣 hemp mourning garment; 麻油 sesame oil; benne oil; gingelly oil; teel oil; oil teel; 麻[痳]疹 {医} bovillae; measles; morbilli; rubeola; 麻疹病毒 measles virus; 麻织品 fabrics of flax, hemp, etc.; linen fabrics; 麻子 pockmarks; 麻醉 {医} anaesthesia; narcosis; narcotism; anaestheti ̄ zation; narcoticism; narcotization; anaesthetize; poison; 麻醉剂 anaesthetic; narcotic; stupefacient; 麻醉品 narcotic; drug; hard drug; [俚] hash; dope; 麻醉物 opiate; 麻醉学 anaesthesiology; narcology; 麻醉药 anaesthetic; narcotic

numbness;feeling numb

❶general term for fibrous crops
我的手冻~了。The cold numbed my hands;my hands are numb with cold./大~ hemp/亚~ flax/黄~ jute /苧~ ramie/剑~sisal-hemp /罗布~ bluish dogbane /心乱如~with one’s mind like entangled hemps;perplexed in mind/快刀斩乱~cut a tangled skein of jute with a sharp knife; cut the Gordian knot/腿发~have a tingling feeling in the legs/~辣tingling and hot





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